Converts a descriptor state-space system into regular state-space form.
[AR, BR, CR, DR, ER] = dss2ss(SYSLTI)
[AR, BR, CR, DR, ER] = dss2ss(A, B, C, D, E)
- Continuous-time state-space model.
- A
- The state matrix (n x n), where n is the number of states.
- B
- The input matrix (n x p), where p is the number of inputs.
- C
- The output matrix (q x n), where q is the number of outputs.
- D
- The direct transmission matrix (q x p).
- E (Optional)
- The descriptor matrix (n by n).
- AR
- The state matrix (n x n), where n is the number of states.
- BR
- The input matrix (n x p), where p is the number of inputs.
- CR
- The output matrix (q x n), where q is the number of outputs.
- DR
- The direct transmission matrix (q x p).
- ER
- The state matrix (n x n), where n is the number of states.
A = [-1.0000 -4.0000;
-4.0000 -1.0000];
B = [ 2.8284 0.0000;
0.0000 -2.8284];
C = [ 0.0000 2.8284;
-2.8284 0.0000];
D = [-1.0000 0.0000;
0.0000 -3.0000];
E = [ 1 0;
0 1];
sysLTI = dss(A, B, C, D, E)
[Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout, Eout] = dss2ss(sysLTI)
Aout = [Matrix] 2 x 2
-1 -4
-4 -1
Bout = [Matrix] 2 x 2
2.82840 0.00000
0.00000 -2.82840
Cout = [Matrix] 2 x 2
0.00000 2.82840
-2.82840 0.00000
Dout = [Matrix] 2 x 2
-1 0
0 -3
Eout = [Matrix] 0 x 0
Converts a descriptor state-space system into a regular state-space form. Based on the SLICOT library function sb10jd.