Altair HyperMesh 2021 Release Notes


New Features

Predefined filters
Facilitates quick filtering of browser list with selected, displayed, or current entities.

Figure 1.
Predefined filters are supported in Model Browser entity views, the Part Browser and the Subsystem Browser.
Undockable Include view
An independent, undockable Include view for managing include files can be accessed from the Include icon under the Assembly ribbon, or by double-clicking on the Include Files folder in the Model Browser.


Entities under solver groupings
Entities can be optionally displayed under solver groupings in the Model Browser by selecting the Show entities option in browser preferences.
Entity creation by solver card
In OptiStruct and Nastran interfaces, entities can now be created by selecting required solver card from the ‘Create’ context menu on the top-level folders in the Model Browser.
Entity assignment
The Assign tool, facilitating easy assignment of entities, can be invoked via a right-click context menu option. It is supported for Components, Properties, Materials, and Systems.
Opening entity views
Top level folders in the Model Browser can now be opened via a right-click context menu option.
Show nested entities on filtering
Added an option under browser preferences that facilitates listing of nested entities when a top-level entity is filtered.
Column Filters for imaged-based columns
Column filters are now supported for columns that have image as values.
Suggestion list for Column Filters
Added suggestion list for values on using column filters.
Descriptors for Operators
Added descriptors for operators in the auto completion suggestion list.
Operator for ‘not containing’ search
Added !~ (not contains) operator to search for strings not containing the specified text.
Operator for IN and NOT IN search
Added IN and NOT IN operators to search or exclude multiple exact values.

Resolved Issues

  • Control cards was listing all cards in the Model Browser.
  • Incorrect component was getting deleted while deleting empty components.
  • Inactive components were displayed when referenced property was isolated.
  • ‘Duplicate’ option was missing on Set entity in Sets browser.

Known Issues

  • Entity Editor is not cleared when entity is removed from filtered browser list.
  • Nodes are not shown in correct include when components are dragged and dropped across includes.
  • Elements and nodes selected in graphics are not highlighted in browser.
  • Entity views are not restored on relaunch of HyperWorks.



Composite Browser
  • Ply drag and drop logic – plies will now be placed above the target ply if dragging up, and below the target ply if dragging down.
  • Material reference and ply 1 direction visualization – orientation review has been moved from the icons at the top of the browser to the ply and laminate context menus, under “Review Orientations.” The behavior is exactly like the existing Review functionality.
  • Zone calculation performance improvements – for certain operations, reordering plies within a laminate and deleting plies from a laminate, performance has been improved.
Solver Zone Property Absorption and Laminate Realization
  • Solver attributes are now taken into account for both realize and absorb in OptiStruct, Nastran and Abaqus profiles.
  • An option to delete ply based entities has been added to Laminate Realize. This should be used if the model, or properties will undergo further changes after realize. If the model is simply being exported to the solver, it can remain off.
Composite Stress Toolbox
  • Engineering constants analysis computes transverse shear properties for plies, laminates and zones which contain materials that include G23, G13 definition, even if corresponding Poison's ratios are missing. Supported material types: OptiStruct MAT8, and Abaqus ABAQUS_MATERIAL - Elastic: Type - LAMINA.

Known Issues

Performance of operations within a laminate on large models
As a workaround, a ply with no shape can be temporarily be placed in the laminate and performance will improve significantly.

Resolved Issues

  • Composite Browser context menu stuck on white space options after deleting an entity.
  • Ply orientations redrawn after ply orientation update.
  • General undo/redo cleanup in Composite Browser.
  • On spreadsheet import, shapes not assigned to plies.
  • MAT8 STRN option for strain based allowables instead of stress based allowables are now taken into account by the First_Ply_Failure method of the certification browser correctly.
  • Poisson’s ratio 13 and 3D stiffness and compliance matrices are now computed based on the Poisson’s ratio 31 in OptiStruct MAT9OR material card by computing ny_13 = E_1/E_3*ny_31.
  • Result export (via CTRL+C and CTRL+V) now only contains selected values, including transverse shear moduli and Poisson’s ratios.


New Features

Connector Edit Mode
Expanding on the workflows introduced in 2020.1.1, an existing connector can now be selected and interactively edited. The option is available for you to select a connector and interactively change the control, trim, move and adjust the density and spacing.
Autopitch Improvements
The autopitch tool was improved adding the ability to create a spot line so all the spots along a flange can be a single connector. You can now define the number of maximum links needed on the connector.
Connector Line
Connector Seam lines and Spot Lines have undergone changes to improve how they capture significant geometrical points along the connector. See images below. Pre-2021 displays how the connector has a test point on either side of the corner. 2021 displays the significant point on the corner.

Figure 2. Pre-2021

Figure 3. 2021
FEMFAT Spot Welds
We have introduced a new type of realization for spot welds called FEMFAT. This conforms to the specifications of naming conventions for the MAGNA FEMFAT requirements. It is available in OptiStruct, Nastran and Abaqus user profiles

Design Explorer

New Features

Results Explorer enhancements
The Results Explorer is enhanced to integrate with the new full-featured prost-processing environment. Beginning with this release, the various HyperWorks profiles – HyperGraph, HyperView, and so on – are available within the same framework as HyperMesh. The Results Explorer is integrated with these profiles to allow for diverse and detailed post-processing and dashboard creation.

Figure 4. Results Explorer
DOE fit-based optimizations
You can now run optimizations based on your DOEs. Response evaluation is done based on the DOE’s response surface fit, allowing for more rapid and extensive exploration, as optimizations are done without requiring additional solver jobs.
Machine learning: field prediction
After running a DOE, you can set design variable values in the Trade-off panel as before. However, using the new Predict button, rather than seeing only scalar response predictions as in previous releases, you can now view a displacement contour over the entire model. Moving the input sliders with the predict button active updates the displacement contour without the need for additional solver runs.

Figure 5. Field Prediction contour
Verification runs
DOE fit-based optimizations, as well as trade-off and field predictions, can now be verified by performing verification runs. A single solver job is run, with design variable values set to their fit-based optimal values or trade-off slider selections. Results are viewable in the Results Explorer, allowing you to verify the optimal or predicted values.
Latin Hypercube DOE support
You can now choose Latin Hypercube as your DOE specification type.
Solver arguments
When using a pre-installed solver, you can now enter solver arguments, such as number of CPUs or allowable memory, within the Evaluate dialog.
One response per entity
When creating responses, you can now specify whether your entity selection should be used in a single response (default) or if you would like to have one response created per entity in the selection. This allows you to create many responses in a single action.
H3D selection for frequency response & MAC
While creating frequency responses, you can now select a baseline .h3d file. This serves two useful purposes. First, it lets you specify the file which will be used to compare to for modal assurance tracking purposes. Second, it assists you in selecting the mode number of interest by allowing you to visualize the mode shape while making your selection.
Model response checking
New checks have been put in place to ensure that appropriate solver results have been requested as required to evaluate exploration responses. You will be notified of missing requests when you attempt to evaluate your explorations.
One study per HM session
Previously, each exploration resulted in a new HyperMesh file being written to its own exploration folder. Now, there is simply a single study folder specified, and all explorations are stored in and referenced by a single HyperMesh file.

Design Space

New Features

  • New dedicated Design Space environment to prepare, create, and edit design spaces for topology optimization. The Create, +/-, and Connect Voxel tools have been moved from the Mesh to the Design Space ribbon.
  • New local design space tool has been added. With minimal preparation, it can create a design space contained within a user-defined volume. An example would be structural inserts/baffles within an automotive BIW:

    Figure 6.
  • New RBE3 connect tool. Connects design space to structure via RBE3s.
  • Added new options to control voxel creation via the options menu:
    • Intersections and voids
    • Voids only
    • Intersections only
  • New shortcuts to tools that help with the package management preparation for design space creation:
    • Hole/Gap fill
    • Shrink Wrap
  • Added shortcut to the contact browser so that TIE contact can be created manually.

    TIE contact is automatically created in the local design space tool.


New Features

View Cube
A new view cube near the global triad in HyperWorks gives you direct access to standard views along with many more variations and orientations of standard, isometric, and edge views. Configure the view cube in File > Preferences Appearance.

Figure 7.
New HyperWorks Mirror workflow added for reflecting entities across a symmetry plane.
New HyperWorks Scale workflow added for scaling entities with respect to origin or user defined node.
New By Path selection options
The following new options are available when selecting nodes, lines, or elements By Path in HyperWorks, accessible via Spacebar, the Right-click > Select menu, or the button.
  • Multiple paths: Use Middle Mouse Button to finalize the current path and start a new one. Use Left Mouse Button to start or continue a path.
  • Fill Path Loops (elements only): When this option is enabled, finalizing the current path with Middle Mouse Button will automatically close the current path as a loop and select the visible area inside it.
Current collector widgets in status bar
New buttons in the Status Bar area show the name and ID of current collectors in the HyperWorks session.

Figure 8.
Right-click on any button to customize the status bar buttons area. You can show or hide any combination of available items.

Figure 9.
To assign or change a current collector, click on the respective button in the status bar and select it from the pop-up list or by picking it in the graphics area.


Scripting Toolbar
Scripting toolbar to run TCL script and command file in HyperMesh Desktop has been restored. This tool bar was removed in the 2020.1 release.
Undo/Redo support is extended to many TCL modify commands.
Marker Support
Marker support in Entity Editor.
Duplicate Tab Names
Support of duplicate Tab names.
Section Cuts
Cross Sections are now editable inside and outside of the Section Cut tool in HyperWorks. Drag the frame to translate or the inner edge to rotate.

Figure 10.
Following enhancements added to the element quality and thickness legends:
  • Supports divergent contour display mode, which is also the default contour mode
  • Slider can be split into a double slider to display elements within a particular range
  • Time step criteria added to the element quality legend display
Improved formatting of selector labels
Single named selections now also use the consistent format “name/label [id]”, and can now abbreviate name and id independently when exceeding maximum display length.

Figure 11.
Selector panels replaced
Entity selector is now used in place of selection panels for dialogs and custom scripts. This is the same selector used in all next generation tools and the Entity Editor. It appears nearest your cursor on invoke and contains all supported advanced selection methods, right-click menu options, and quick selection methods (Alt key).

Figure 12.
The following commands now invoke the entity selector: *createmarkpanel, *editmarkpanel, *createentitypanel, *createlistpanel, *createlistbypathpanel, hm_getfilename, hm_getdirectionpanel, hm_getplanepanel, hm_callcollectorpanel, hm_callincludepanel.
Simplified right-click Select menu
Removed additional sub-menus in HyperWorks so all available selection methods and actions are now available directly under Right-Click > Select.

Figure 13.
Apply, Ok, Cancel buttons for advanced selection from Entity Editor
Updated button behavior when using the advanced selection dialog from the Entity Editor, accessible via Spacebar, the Right-click > Select menu, or the button on any active selector.
  • Apply: Accepts dialog selections and returns to the interactive selector. Clicking or on the selector is required to confirm the final selections.
  • OK: Accepts current selections and immediately confirms and closes the interactive selector.
  • Cancel: Rejects current selections and immediately closes the interactive selector.
Language localization
A new Chinese language profile has been added to HyperWorks 2021 and can be switched on via the Preferences menu. Currently, most ribbon tools have been translated. Where no translation has been done yet, English will be used. Workflow will be translated in the next release cycle.
More than 4000 new strings have been translated for the Japanese language profile.

Resolved Issues

  • Crash associated with merging HyperMesh file in batch mode.
  • Improvements made in reading binary STL.
  • Export issue with very large coordinate values.


New Features

New HyperWorks Ruled workflow added for generating surfaces and solids by interpolating linearly or smoothly between given set of lines or surfaces respectively.


Drag lines and nodes into surfaces has been added with “Auto-trim” option. With this option, the newly created surface is trimmed at the intersection of another surface or elements.
  • Polylines can be modified by adding or editing existing control points, or by editing start and end slopes.
  • Extend lines tool added to extend existing lines to a target node, line or surface or by using distance
Split tool improvements include reviewing of split sections for solids which users can select or deselect to split at desired locations only. This helps in creating mapped solids for meshing. Following tools support the review options:
  • Split solids with lines and bounding lines have “Extend trimmer” option added which allows user to review the split sections.
  • Split solids with surfaces with extend trimmer ON also allows the users to review the split sections.
  • Split solids with plane allow users to review the split sections.
Fixed robustness issues related to lines, imprint, and boolean tools.


General Meshing

New Features

Midmesh inspect tool
Midmesh inspect tool added under midmesh workflow. The tool identify/fix nodes deviating from the middle of the geometry, such as Nodes off middle, Nodes off solid edges, Nodes out of solid, Edges off solid edges, and Element centers off middle. The fix corrects the mesh to the mid by node movement or splitting elements.
New APIs
New API’s added for querying, updating and writing param and criteria file data individually or together.



Feature capture improvements
Improved mesh flow for the geometry surfaces containing 180 folds.
Continuous improvements in mesh flow
Continuous improvements in mesh flow by reducing and adjusting the locations of tria elements near free edges, beads, holes and washers.
Waviness in mesh flow
Fixed issues with waviness in mesh flow on fillets.
Direct midmesh
Direct MidMesh through BatchMesher now respects the element organization specified in the parameter file.
Edit Elements tools
Split Sub-Tool
Continuous graphical spilt line support added also explicit element selection added, user could select elements by path via advance selection and perform the split action.
Move/optimize orphan mesh nodes
Move/optimize orphan mesh nodes supported along and across the feature edges (PLOTEL/1D's).
Improved smooth function
Improved smooth function and miscellaneous bug fixes done for Edit Elements functionalities.
Replicate Tool
Extend/trim new mapping method
Extend/Trim new mapping method added, when there is no exact matching with the base this helps user to trim or extend their feature onto base.
Topology based 1d selection
Topology based 1d selection support added for Stitch/Extend edges with Alt + RMB button.
Improved move tool handling
Improved move tool handling and user experience, RMB and LMB clicks are mapped to easy reposition of the manipulator and move the copied feature to the destination reference point respectively.
Quick flip
Quick “Flip” option added in the micro-dialogue UI.
Time step criteria
Time step criteria added in legend for LS-DYNA and Radioss user profiles.

Solid Meshing

New Features

Solid Map tool in HyperWorks
Added a new “Solid Map” tool in meshing ribbon. This tool will allow user to find mappable solids and auto detect source and target. With this new tool, user will be able to define size on source surfaces and add biasing on source surface edges and along edges.

Figure 14.


Enhanced fill hole algorithm
Enhanced fill hole algorithm to follow edge shape with higher angle.
Enhanced tetramesh remesh algorithm
Enhanced tetramesh remesh algorithm to remesh surfaces as well.
Auto split highly warped quads
Added capability to auto split highly warped quads to trias. Mostly used for airbag meshing.
Enhanced sliver fix capability
Enhanced sliver fix capability to remove slivers on non-manifold edges.

Resolved Issues

  • Segmentation error upon surface meshing with 2nd order quad mesh and then batch meshing
  • Segmentation error on running adaptive tria remesh with 1d and quad inputs
  • Remeshing elements crashed session with segmentation error
  • Make “Quad Only” option work for solidmap meshing
  • Twisted hexa elements are getting created for pipes

Model Build


Support for linking multiple parts as instances
In HyperWorks Desktop 2021, a new context menu provides access to making multiple parts as instances of each other.

Figure 15.
Support for Matching based on Name/Metadata
In HyperWorks Desktop 2021, a new matching method based on Parts Name/Metadata is supported.

Figure 16.
Subsystems support multiple includes
In previous versions, subsystems could only contain a single include. This has been enhanced so that a subsystem can own multiple includes, including a nested hierarchy, without forcing you to merge include contents into a single include.

Figure 17.


New Features

Morph ribbon
The mesh morphing tools have been moved from the Mesh ribbon page to a new Morph ribbon page.
Proximity morphing

The new Proximity Morph tool allows to morph mesh directly using a simple distance or perturbation value around selected nodes, faces, or edges. Move the mesh using the graphical manipulator, or by optionally mapping to Target entities. Usage of this tool is analogous to the Free Morph tool, but without the need to define anchors or morph areas, making it a simpler and faster approach for applicable use cases. This approach is also great for morphing surfaces of 3d meshes where only a few element layers around the moving nodes need to be morphed.

Figure 18.
Volume morphing
New interactive morph volume tools allow creating, editing, and morphing morph volumes in various ways. Morph volumes are highly deformable prisms created around a mesh, and can be used to manipulate the enclosed mesh by manipulating the shape of the morph volume. Morph volumes are very malleable; the position of its vertices and length of its edges can be modified independently of the others, and adjacent morph volumes can be linked through tangency conditions. This malleability allows you to enclose a given mesh with morph volumes, adjust the morph volumes to fit your model, and then change the shape of your model by modifying the morph volumes.

  • Enclose: Use the Enclose tool to create morph volumes with rectangular or circular shapes. Enclosed mesh and connectors are automatically registered to the enclosing volumes by default.

  • Move: Use the Move tool to morph or adjust morph volumes by moving vertices or handles, edges, and faces using graphical manipulators.

  • Split/Combine: Use the Split/Combine tool to split morph volumes using single or multiple locations along an edge, combine adjacent morph volumes along shared faces, join pairs of separate morph volumes, or equivalence any number of morph volume faces using a search distance.

  • Register: Use the Register tool to review and edit the contents of morph volumes. Only registered contents will morph when morphing morph volumes. Entities that can be registered to morph volumes are nodes and connectors.


Distance-based methods moved from Free to Proximity morphing
The following distance-based options have been removed from the Free Morph tool options menu, since they are now available in better form as part of the new Proximity morphing tool:
  • Automatic anchors toggle,Calculate By menu, Value field
  • Morph Method: Morph within envelope
Optional automatic unfolding
A new menu located in morph options > domain solvers > large domain morphing, allows controlling the automatic mesh unfolding that may takes place after certain large morphs. The new default behavior is set to ask the user before unfolding, and can be also set to always or never unfold. The unfolding process is time consuming and may not be required after every morph, especially when still iterating on the mesh shape or if the mesh will be rebuilt after morphing.

Model Verification


  • Support of SolidWorks data is added in Comparison and Verification function.
  • Cumulative match% calculation logic is improved for CAD vs FE comparison. Cumulative match% =Total target matched area / Total source matched area.
  • Fe-attach function supports component name while finding attached parts in addition to shared node logic.
  • Method of calculating Thickness from solid CAD is populated on the Browser and Excel report.
  • Report generation time can be reduced by editing facet size under general/discretization, 1-6 level exist, Level 1 reduces time.
  • Skip-thumbnailassemblyimage parameter is added to skip assembly images in comparison thumbnail PPT report to improve performance, default=OFF.

    Figure 19.
  • Batch mode is added for Quick Comparison and Spot Comparison function.
  • HM file containing Geometric data is supported in Mixed Import option.
  • Performance improved for Connection check / Free Hole, Hole Mismatch functions.
  • Intersected part’s coordinates and depth values are exported in csv file by default. File name=ProjectName-Model_Intersection_Depth.csv under report path.

    Figure 20.


  • Reset button is added on configuration file to restore original setting.
  • Auto migration of configuration file is done if old configuration is used preserving user parameters.
  • Comparison and Import log messages are improved for debugging the function.
  • Tool tips are added for all parameters.
  • Existing Part Sets will be deleted on each execution of Part / Match function.
  • Part Set name considers names from Part Name and Part Number, in addition filtered data and unprocessed data are shown in sets.

    Figure 21.

Resolved Issues

  • Spot Comparison, Fixed an issue on executing checks on MAT 100(Hexa) weld type.
  • Spot Comparison, Fixed an issue on considers point vs. point data comparison.
  • Comparison/Verification, Fixed an issue on Batch mode incorrect progress% message under progress.log.
  • Comparison, Fixed an issue in Auto comparison showing false unmatched entities.

Safety Tools

New Features

Barrier Position Tool
This new tool, available in the Safety ribbon in the LS-DYNA and Radioss solver interfaces, enables an automatic positioning of the crash barrier around the vehicle as per the selected safety regulation. The tool provides following functionalities:
  • Support of all safety regulations: C-NCAP, Euro-NCAP, FMVSS, IIHS, J-NCAP and UN-R
  • Support of all load cases: Front, Side and Rear
  • Following positioning methods are implemented: Overlapping method, Side with IRD method, Side with R-Point method, Pole
  • User-defined gap between barrier and vehicle
  • Automatic creation of transformations and positions entities
  • Automatic switch of the barrier include file to *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM or /SUBMODEL respectively for LS-DYNA and Radioss solvers

Figure 22.

Figure 23.
Dummy Positioner: Automatic contact detection
This new functionality enables the automatic contact detection between dummy limbs and surrounding structural components. When the contact is detected, the motion of the limb is automatically stopped and thus, avoiding intersections.
Following features are added with this new functionality:
  • Surrounding structural components defined in a solver set, inside dummy body Entity Editor
  • New column with checkboxes added to enable the activation/deactivation of the contact checking functionality
  • Dedicated Metadata written in the DUMMY information inside the input deck
Mechanism Tool: Automatic morphing
This new functionality enables the automatic morphing of components using the slider joint. All morphing entities are automatically created, and the morphing happens in real time when the joint is manipulated.

Figure 24.
Pedestrian Impact Solution
The pre-processing the pedestrian impact regulations have been enhanced with the following features:
  • Hard parts distance contouring and offset zones creation
  • Impact points refinements
Now the new post-processing tool enables a complete analysis of all pedestrian impact regulations (NCAP and GTR) and load cases (head, lower-leg, upper-leg) with the following functionalities:
  • HIC mapping
  • Injury curves plotting
  • GTR areas calculation
  • Automatic Euro-NCAP spreadsheet generation
  • Rating calculation
  • Automatic reporting

Figure 25.


Graphical selection of mechanisms and dummies
Dummies and mechanisms can be selected directly on the graphic using the Mechanism selector.
Figure 26.

Resolved Issues

  • Radioss XREF are now created on import of the h3d file in the pre-simulation tools.
  • LS-DYNA seatbelt extraction was not working if the break angle between the 1D belt segments was too big. This limitation is removed and a break angle control in the seatbelt extraction tool is added.

Solver Conversion


LS-DYNA to Radioss Conversion
  • *MAT_COMPOSITE_FAILURE_SHELL_MODEL / MAT_059 converted to /MAT/LAW25 (CRASURV) and the property /PROP/SH_SANDW
  • *MAT_OGDEN_RUBBER / LAW_077_O converted to /MAT/LAW42 (Ogden)
Abaqus to OptiStruct
  • *connector section SLOT, ALIGN to OptiStruct JOINTG TRANSLAT
  • *connector section JOIN to OptiStruct JOINTG RPIN
  • *connector section JOIN ALIGN to OptiStruct JOINTG RBEAM
  • *HYPERELASTIC MATERIAL converted to MATHE (uniaxial,biaxial,shear and volumetric)
  • *CONTACT PAIR, Finite converted to CONTACT, CONSLI
  • *DSLOAD converted to PLOADSF
  • *SPECIFIC HEAT converted to MATT4
  • *EXPANSION,ZERO is converted to MAT1,TREF
Abaqus to Radioss
  • /R3D4 converted to /PROP/SHELL with /RBODY
  • *BEAM GENERAL SECTION converted to P3_BEAM
  • *ORIENTATION converted to /SKEW/FIX
LS-DYNA to OptiStruct
OptiStruct to Abaqus
Nodal offsets converted from OptiStruct to Abaqus

Stress Tools

New Features

New Certification ribbon and workflow
A new Certification ribbon is available for OptiStruct/Nastran user profiles with end-to end workflow.
  • In 2020.1, the whole process was browser driven only.
  • In 2021, the detection of Structural Elements is split into separate tasks.
  • Run and Contour are separate tasks.
New Config: Generic
Along with existing configs like Rivets, Beams, and Panels (Composite or Metallic), which come with pattern detection in model, this release exposes Generic config. Using Generic config for Designpointset, you can create a designpoint entity as a collection of any type or elements (1D-2D-3D) and run Generic methods. Aside from elements, you can also refer to Freebody sections.

Figure 27.
Run methods on elements
In 2020.1, it was only possible to assign and run a method on a Designpointset entity. In this new release, you can also directly run a method entity on elements. Method is evaluated only on selected elements for selected loadcase.

Figure 28.


Structural properties
The structural property widget is deprecated and migrated to the Model Browser, which enables all features like “add column”.
A dedicated browser tab is added to create and assign structural properties.

Figure 29.
Contour and Marker plots
Along with contouring results on elements, it is now possible to add marker plots with shapes, decoupled from contour. You can hence marker plot any available input value or critical loadcase. In the event where multi method ran on the same location, a consolidated table enables you to plot the name of the critical method too.

Figure 30.
Chain methods
You can register a method taking its input arguments from the result of a previous method. They are chained methods. This was introduced in 2020.1, but the built-in rivet method JointLoad was not available as a source.
  • Loadcase column was added
  • Renaming of “pierced shell ID” column to "Elementid"
Was done to enable further extract results after JointLoad.

CAD and Solver Interfaces

Abaqus Interface

New Features

Abaqus parts and instances modeling
  • Importing a geometry and realizing it as Abaqus parts and instance format model.
  • Ability to set-up part definitions like properties, and synchronize with other instances of the same part.
  • Create parts and instances models in HyperWorks from scratch.
  • Ability to set-up all assembly details like connections and contacts, using tools available in HyperWorks.
  • Complete runnable parts and instance format input file set-up and export.
Special elements tool for cohesive element modeling
Cohesive elements used in debonding and delamination studies can be modeled with special elements tool available under 3D mesh.


Auto Contact update
Feature angle based individual contact surface detection is now set as default contact detection.
Updated keywords
  • *RIGID BODY – The reference node is updated with an option to reference a node set.
  • *COUPLING – A node set can be used for the reference node when type is element based surface.
Additional enhancements
  • Support of *AMPLITUDE curve inside *STEP definition.
  • MAX1D – Axisymmetric membrane element is supported in Standard 2D profile.
  • Up to 8 nodes of an element is written in the same line upon export of input file.
  • Export option for *SURFACE to be exported in list format for elements.

Resolved Issues

  • PARAMETER dependency on other PARAMETERS and reconciling issue is fixed.
  • Element configuration was changing when profile is changed from standard to explicit and it is now resolved.
  • Beam section CENTROID, SHEAR CENTER data that are improperly imported is now fixed.
  • An include file containing data lines under *FILM was not exporting, and the issue is resolved in this version.
  • A *COUPLING node with surface type as node will be lost and this issue is fixed.

ADVC Interface

New Cards

Temperature Analysis
  • $Element Bar
  • $BarSectionDirector
  • $BarGeometry
  • $ShearCorrectionFactor
  • $LinearConstraint
  • $Element 3DModifiedQuadraticTetrahedron
  • $BarSectionDirector
  • $InitialTemperature
  • $HeatFlux
  • $TransientHeatFlux
  • $HeatConvection
  • $SurfaceIDHeatConvection
  • $TransientHeatConvection
  • $TransientSurfaceIDHeatConvection
  • $ForcedTemperature
  • $TransientForcedTemperature
  • $FilmCoefficient
  • $TimeStep
  • $OutputParameter Labels
  • HeatFlux
  • ContactNormalVector
Stress Analysis
  • $Element Bar
  • $BarSectionDirector
  • $BarGeometry
  • $ShearCorrectionFactor
  • $BarOffset
  • $InterpolationConstraintElement
  • $RigidBar
  • $LinearConstraint
  • $Element 3DModifiedQuadraticTetrahedron
  • $InitialTemperature
  • $Temperature
  • $ForcedDisplacement
  • $Load
  • $ForcedVelocity
  • $Pressure
  • $SurfaceIDPressure
  • $TimeStep
  • $LocalCoordinateSystem


  • Comparison and Verification browsers are added.
  • Loads, BCS, Velocities, Temperature, Convection and Flux Ribbs.
  • HyperBeam support for creating standard sections.

CAD Interface

New Features

A new Open Class eXchange (OCX) reader is now available. OCX is an open industry standard for the exchange of design information between designer/yards and classification societies. OCX v2.85 .xml schema is supported for geometry, model hierarchy, beam sections, and metadata.


Updated Version Support
  • JT 10.5
  • NX 1926 (native reader)
  • NX 1934 (third party reader)
  • Inventor 2021
  • Inspire 2021 (import and export)
  • Parasolid v32.0.186
CATIA Parameter Update
Added support for reading and updating Catia V5 parameters in Hyperworks. This feature requires CATIA installation and CATIA license. Only parameters corresponding to a double value or a double expression are supported.
Map multiple metadata values
Ability to map multiple metadata values to HyperMesh PDM attribute.

Resolved Issues

  • Miscellaneous import and missing cad issues with CATIA and step files.
  • Fixed import hierarchy as parts for FORAN reader.
  • Fixed incorrect publications data.
  • Fixed transformation issues for 3DXML files.
  • Miscellaneous robustness and performance improvements.

EXODUS Interface

New Features

Marine tools
Marine tools vertical is exposed to the EXODUS user profile with the following beam modeling tools:
  • CAD property
  • Beam sections
  • Stiffener modeling
  • Beam-shell meshing

LS-DYNA Interface

New Features

Support of LS-DYNA solver version R12.0
The latest LS-DYNA solver version R12.0 is now supported, along with major keywords updates and new keywords in the following groups *AIRBAG, *CONTACT, *CONTROL, *DEFINE_CPM, *DEFINE_FRICTION, *INTERFACE_COMPONENT, *MAT, *SECTION.
Elemental time step quality criteria
The shell elemental time step is now available as meshing quality criteria, which adapts the quality of the mesh with respect to the solver elemental time step value.

Figure 31.

Resolved Issues

  1. Issue 1: Multiple instances of include files into a single *INCLUDE keyword can now be imported.
  2. Issue 2: Corrections made to enable reading all keywords in I10 or mixed format of decks when the keyword is respectively written with a “%”, “+” or “-” at the end.

OptiStruct Interface

New Features

Include File Drive Mapping
On import of solver decks that contain includes, HyperWorks now allows mapping from one folder path to another to import include files where the include path written in the solver deck doesn’t match the location of the files, which includes different paths due to different operating systems. Found in Preferences > Drive Mapping or in the Solver Deck import options, you can define the source path where the files reside and the target path as written in the solver deck and use this to successfully import files without the need to edit the include paths in a text editor.
Auto Contact Enhancements
  • Ease of component selection from graphics to detect contact automatically with specified tolerance.
  • Accept or Reject detected contact through contact traverse.
  • Review, modify contact pairs using advance selection.
  • Contact browser for advanced query the contact pairs created using auto contact.
String-Based Input
  • String-based labels offer easier identification of entries in the input file.
  • Labels can be used to identify entries via their corresponding ID field.
  • New solver option in export browser “Export as named entity” with free format export.
  • Labels export supported for Properties and Materials entity and their corresponding references.
Solver Browser Enhancements
  • You can create solver cards from the solver browser.
  • Cascading menu organized solver entity list.
  • Ease of creation with reduced panel dependencies.
Model Check Enhancements
  • Check for AXIAL JOINTG elements with coincident grids.
  • Check for missing CID2 for relevant JOINTG element types.
  • Info to list non-zero length JOINTG elements.
JOINTG Element Enhancements
  • New combination joint types: RPINROTA and CARTORIE.
  • DAMPING input for JOINTG property PJOINTG.
  • Check elems, Free 1-d’s enhanced to identify free JOINTG elements.
Thermal Analysis Enhancements
  • One Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis for nonlinear static subcase.
  • New bulk card TEMPT.
  • ASSIGN card updates.


Updated Keywords
  • Added CONTF output request for linear static analysis.
  • Axial displacement as input for GAP elements in DRESP1 cards.
  • PLOADSF updated to assign element set.
  • DOPTPRM card updated with OPTIMOMP option.
  • SET entity updated with subtype as property for formula-based sets.
  • CFAILURE, CSTRESS and CSTRAIN output cards are updated with CORNER input in location option.
  • TLOAD1/TLOAD2 enhancements to reference Temp/TempD load as excitation load with excite type as TEMP.
  • KNLINE in PBUSHT accept TABELG as input.
  • SECTION card name field updated to define up to 80 characters in free format export.
  • PCONT card updated to input ‘LONG’ as input in FRICSEL field.
General Enhancements
  • Solver option in export browser to export DMIG card in long format to retain the precision.
  • Tool tip description update for missing solver cards.
  • Solver option in export browser to export “Include file path relative to include statement.”

Resolved Issues

  • Performance improvements while import solver input file.
  • OSSMOOTH for smoothing ply shape was not consistent.
  • Mishandling of ASSIGN cards on import.
  • OUTPUT card export trailing comma which results in solver termination.
  • Unable to reference SET in RSSTRESS response type in DRESP1 card.
  • ASSIGN card truncated.
  • PRETENS load displays inconsistent graphics.
  • Performance improvement while reviewing subcase info in entity editor.
  • STRESS I/O card export issue.
  • PLOAD card unsupported without CQUAD4 element.

PAM-CRASH Interface

New Features

New PAM-CRASH 2G Solver Interface
Added new PAM-CRASH 2G 2020 solver interface along with related major keyword updates.
New Keywords
New keyword Material Type 307 - COS3D (Link Material).
Parameter Editor New GUI
Introduced new Python interpreter GUI. Right-click edit on Expression value in entity editor to launch the new parameter editor. This new GUI allows you to create, edit, and evaluate multiple lines of python commands parameter expressions.
ID Parameterization
PYVAR and PYFUNC have been extended to the parameterization of ID references in other keywords. PAM-CRASH keywords SENSOR, FUNCT, FRAME, RUPMO, CDATA, CHEM, CNTPTY, DMPEW, FRICT, LAYER, NLAVE, OPTLIS have been added whose ID references in other keywords make it possible to parametrize.


Updated Keywords
BAGIN (FPM Vent Model, FPM_GASDYN, FPM Controls), CKCTRL, CNTAC (Contact NTYPE 36, 37, 43, 46, 54, 154), DELEM, ECTRL, ICTRL, LCTRL, MATER (Material Type 1, 101, 103, 151, 201), OCTRL, PART (ATYPE = BEAM), PRCTRL, RUNEND, SENSOR (ITYP = 7), TIED, TITLE, TRSFM (IDTRSFM).
The following improvements are added to the python parameter keywords:
  • TITLE option added which avoids conflict with parameter name when assigned.
  • Long parameter name support and no restriction of 8 character length.
  • New checkbox 'Remove '+' suffix from free format fields Parameterization' in Export GUI.
  • Maintain Child parameter variables references to avoid unused entities, retained after Model Checker correction.
  • Reader enhancements enable robustness of parameters.

Radioss Interface

New Features

Support of Radioss solver version 2021
The new Radioss solver version 2021 is supported along with major keywords updates.
Elemental time step quality criteria
The shell elemental time step is now available as meshing quality criteria, which adapts the quality of the mesh with respect to the solver elemental time step value.

Figure 32.
New encryption
The new encryption using the keyword /ENCRYPT is now fully supported and encrypts Materials, Properties, Curves, and Failure keywords. The encryption process can now be started from the contact menu of the entities in their dedicated browser views. An additional column is added to inform you about the keywords that are encrypted.

Figure 33.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue 1: /BEGIN card is now editable in the Model Browser.
  • Issue 2: Some keywords were incorrectly grouped as “ungrouped” into the Model Browser.