Solver Damping

This Panel Consists of Various Damping Settings that are used for FlowSimulator solver runs.

Parameter Description
Solver Damping Method

Flag that activates the FlowSimulator Whitney Damping feature, which seeks the optimal values of static pressure (DAMPS) and total pressure (DAMPT) damping based on the iterative progression of chamber errors.

0: Constant Damping - The input values of DAMPS and DAMPT are used for all iterations.

1: Whitney Adaptive Damping - The input values of DAMPS and DAMPT are used until iteration number ISTRTW. Subsequently, Whitney damping is activated and begins to automatically adjust the damping factors DAMPS and DAMPT at each iteration step. For most models this method gives the fastest solution.

2: Robust Whitney Damping - The input values of DAMPS and DAMPT are used until iteration number ISTRTW. Subsequently, a modified version of Whitney damping is activated. This modified version of Whitney damping may improve stability at the expense of speed.

(Default value = 1.)

Iteration Where Whitney Damping Becomes Active (ISTRTW)

FlowSimulator solver iteration when Whitney damping starts, provided Whitney damping is active (WHITNEY value of 1 or 2).

(Default value = 7.)

Static Pressure Damping Parameter


Damping factor for the iteration-by-iteration adjustment of the calculated change in static pressure at each internal chamber.

Inversion of the FlowSimulator solution matrix at each iteration step yields the Newton-Raphson step sizes for each chamber static pressure. DAMPS is used as a scale factor, which is often less than one, and thus provides a more conservative step towards the solution than standard Newton-Raphson method. This improves robustness and convergence properties in the face of the non-linear and discontinuous behavior of the flow equations.

The optimum values for DAMPS and DAMPT are model dependent. Values between 0.3 and 1.0 are commonly used. Values greater than one are used when the maximum errors become progressively smaller on successive iteration steps.

(Default value = 0.4)

Total Pressure Damping Parameter


Damping factor for the iteration-by-iteration adjustment of the calculated change in total pressure at each internal chamber.

Inversion of the FlowSimulator solution matrix at each iteration step yields the Newton-Raphson step sizes for each chamber total pressure. DAMPT is used as a scale factor, which is often less than one, and thus provides a more conservative step towards the solution than standard Newton-Raphson method. This improves robustness and convergence properties in the face of the non-linear and discontinuous behavior of the flow equations.

The optimum values for DAMPS and DAMPT are model dependent. Values between 0.3 and 1.0 are commonly used. Values greater than one are used when the maximum errors become progressively smaller on successive iteration steps.

(Default value = 0.4)

Upper Limit for Adaptive Static Pressure Damping

Upper bound for the damping factors DAMPS and DAMPT.

(Default value = 2.0)

Lower Limit for Adaptive Static Pressure Damping

Lower bound for the damping factors DAMPS and DAMPT.

(Default value = 0.2)

Feedback Control Parameter for Whitney Damping

Controls how strongly the Whitney feedback is applied in modifying DAMPS and DAMPT from iteration to iteration.

Any non-negative number is allowable; however, setting it greater than the default risks unstable numerical behavior. Setting RMOD equal to a (non-negative) value much less than the default effectively disables Whitney damping.

(Default value = 0.05)

Temperature difference required for new fluid properties call in tube

Controls how frequently properties are called in the Tube element. This improves run-time performance.

1.0: then properties are called every time.

0.0: calls properties as sparingly as possible according to an adaptive scheme. The properties are updated according to how much total temperature has changed from the last properties call.

0.5: has behavior that is between 0.0 and 1.0.

(Default value = 0.0)

Pressure difference required for new fluid properties call in tube

Controls how frequently properties are called in the Tube element. This improves run-time performance.

1.0: then properties are called every time.

0.0: calls properties as sparingly as possible according to an adaptive scheme. The properties are updated according to how much static pressure has changed from the last properties call.

0.5: has behavior that is between 0.0 and 1.0.

(Default value = 0.0)

Thermal Network Solution Parameter Damping Damping factor for Thermal Network Solver (Default: 1.0)
Relaxation Factor on Thermal Fluid Coupling Relaxation Factor for Integrated Flow & Thermal Network Models (Default 1.0)
Stagnant Tube Convergence Helper

-1: On → Solve as Incompressible Tube for any un-converged Compressible Tube due to low Mach number (Cut off Mach Number is 0.00012)

0: Off

0-1: Cut off Mach Number → Solve as Incompressible Tube for any Compressible tube with Mach less than cutoff

Chamber fluid temperature Damping

Chamber fluid temperature damping factor.

1: No Damping (Default)

0.01 – 1: Enter Number from (0.01 - 1)

99: Automatic Damping