ProcDef ()

Defines a new process to be run.


proc = ProcDef( id, name, dialog, tail, func, depProc,          
               args = None, depState = 'finished' )


id (integer)
ID of the process.
name (string)
Name of the process.
dialog (boolean)
A flag defining if the Process dialog should be shown or not.
tail (boolean)
A flag defining if AcuTail should be started or not.
func (function)
The defined function that should be executed by running the process.
args (dictionary)
The function arguments.
depProc (string)
Name of the process that the execution of current process depends on.
depState (string)
State of the process that the execution of current process depends on.

Return Value

proc (lambda function)
The process details (name, dialog) returned as a lambda function.


The function must be already defined.


This routine defines a new process to be run. The process name is given by name and its ID by id. If the dialog is True, the dialog of the process will be shown while running. If the tail is True, AcuTail will be started. The function that is executed by running this process is given by function and its arguments by args. This new process will be run only if the depProc reaches the depState. For example:
prc = ProcDef( id = 2,
                         name = 'Import Mesh',
                         dialog = False,
                         tail = False,
                         func = ToolImportMesh,
                         args = None,
                         depProc = 'Generate Mesh',
                         depState= 'finished' )