Edit Master Templates

To edit master templates, follow the below steps:

  1. Copy the folder templates from ALTAIR_HOME\hwdesktop\mv\scripts\tcl\report\ to a new directory.

Edit Document Master Template

  1. Open wordMaster from templates folder.
  2. Edit the following mandatory place holders:
    • Table of contents
      Note: When exporting a Document report, a Word processing application is required to auto-update the Table of Contents.
    • Table of figures
    • Table of tables
    • Table of references
    • Style formats (available in the Styles ribbon)

Edit Presentation Master Template

  1. Open pptMaster from templates folder.
  2. Edit the following placeholders:
    1. Slide Master Layouts - Presentation master files based on Slide Master Layouts must contain placeholders for the following elements:
      • Slide masters
      • Secondary slides with image, text, and table placeholders
      • Style formats (available in the Styles ribbon)
    2. Slides with Existing Content - Presentation master files based on slides with existing content must contain sample images, text, and table data. This sample data will later be replaced while exporting a report.
    3. Slides with Generic Placeholders - Generic placeholders for image, text, and table placeholders. This allows you to open the Presentation reports in open source applications such as Google Docs and LibreOffice.
    Tip: While creating a layout, follow a sequence for creating the content placeholders. You can use the Edit Master feature in the respective applications.

    You may arrange the content (image, text, or table) shapes in your application by dragging text within the selection pane or using the right-click context menu. By default, a newly added item appears at the top of the list. Use the Z-Order technique for arranging the shapes in the slides.

    During Presentation export, order is decided based on the list in selection pane.

    Figure 1.

Edit HTML Master Template

  1. Open the Index_Layout.html file from htmlMaster1 folder. The following placeholders are editable in Index_Layout.html:
  2. Change the logo and disclaimer statement in the Index_Layout.html file.
    Figure 2.
  3. Edit the style.css in the resource folder for modifying the properties of each placeholder. For instance, to modify the REPORT_TITLE navigate to report-title class in the style.css file and edit the values for properties such as colour, font and width as shown below:
    Figure 3.