Add Report items and access or modify Report items.
Interact with items of type break.
- Supported Property Names
-name -parent -type (read only) -orientation
ardi::item::break create
Creates an item of type "break".
- Syntax
ardi::item::break create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
ardi::item::break create -name "My Page Break"
ardi::item::break delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::break delete
- Parameters
- -id (mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::break delete -id $id
ardi::item::break get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::break get
- Parameters
- -id (mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::break get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::break getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::break getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value:Property key
ardi::item::break getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::break getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::break set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::break set
- Parameters
- -id (mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::break set -id $id -name "My External Excel Document"
Interact with items of type chapter. This item type is valid only for document reports.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent -type (read only)
ardi::item::chapter create
Creates an item of type "chapter".
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::chapter create -name "My Chapter Item"
ardi::item::chapter delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter delete
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- value: 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::chapter delete -id $id
ardi::item::chapter get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter get
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::chapter get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::chapter getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key.
ardi::item::chapter getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::chapter set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::chapter set
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::chapter set -id $id -name "My Chapter Item" -value "Good monring, how are you today?"
Interact with items of type exceldocument.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent -type (read only) -file -sheet -caption -caption_location
ardi::item::exceldocument create
Creates an item of type "exceldocument".
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument create -name "My External Excel Document Item"
ardi::item::exceldocument delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument delete
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument delete -id $id
ardi::item::exceldocument get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument get
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::exceldocument getcell
Queries the value of one property from table cell.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument getcell
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row(mandatory)
- Value: Row ID. Row ID is an integer starting from 0.
- -column(mandatory)
- Value: Column ID. Column ID is an integer starting from 0.
- -property(mandatory)
- Value: Property name - 'value' or 'href'.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument getcell -id $id -row 0 -column 0 -property value
ardi::item::exceldocument getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: item ID.
- -key
- value: property key
ardi::item::exceldocument getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::exceldocument set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument set
- Parameters
- -id(mandatory)
- Value: Item ID.The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument set -id $id -name "My External Excel Document" -file "c:/temp/mydoc.xlsx"
ardi::item::exceldocument setcell
Sets one or multiple parameters to table cell.
- Syntax
ardi::item::exceldocument setcell
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory Value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row
- Mandatory value: Row ID. Row Id is an integer starting from 0.
- -column
- Mandatory value: Column ID. Column Id is an integer starting from 0.
- -value
- Mandatory value: The value you want to set on the cell.
- -href
- Mandatory value: Object id to hyperlink.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::exceldocument setcell -id $id -row 0 -column 0 -value "Hello" -href $refobjid
Interact with items of type externalobject.
- Supported Property Names
-name -file -parent
ardi::item::externalobject create
Creates an item of type "externalobject".
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: a full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::externalobject create -name "My Word Document" -file "example.h3d"
ardi::item::externalobject delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::externalobject delete -id $id
ardi::item::externalobject get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::externalobject get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::externalobject getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::externalobject getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- value: item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::externalobject set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values.The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::externalobject set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::externalobject set -id $id -name "My External Object" -file "c:/temp/example.h3d"
Interact with items of type image.
- Supported property names
-name -value -parent -type (read only) -config -hwpage -hwwindow
ardi::item::image create
Creates an item of type "image".
- Syntax
ardi::item::image create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::image create -name "My Image Item"
ardi::item::image delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::image delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::image delete -id $id
ardi::item::image get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::image get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::image get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::image getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::image getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::image getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::image getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::image set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::image set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::image set -id $id -name "My Image Item" -value "Good monring, how are you today?"
Interact with items of type property.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -type (create only) -command -setcommand -validatecommand -visible -enabled
- Parameters
- -type
- Value: Item ID not used.
ardi::item::property create
Creates an item of type "property".
- Syntax
ardi::item::property create
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Parent item ID of type text,image,table,module etc., \paren -key
- -name
- Value: "Display name of the property, if not specified key is used as display name"
- -type
- (defaults to str): Type of property.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::property create -id $parentid -key "MyKey" -name "My Property" -value "My Value" -type "str"
ardi::item::property delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::property delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Parent item ID of type text,image,table,module etc, \parem -name.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::property delete -id $id
ardi::item::property get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::property get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::property get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::property set
Sets name and value of specific property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::property set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::property set -id $id -setcommand "::setCommand" -command "::cmdcallback"
Interact with items of type slide. This item type is valid only for presentation reports.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent -type (read only) -layoutname or -index -layoutname -> name of the layout -index -> slideindex starts from 1.
ardi::item::slide create
Creates an item of type "slide".
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::slide create -name "My Slide Item"
ardi::item::slide delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::slide delete -id $id
ardi::item::slide get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::slide get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::slide getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::slide getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::slide set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::slide set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::slide set -id $id -name "My Slide Item" -value "Good monring, how are you today?"
Interact with items of type table.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent -type (read only) -numberofrows -numberofcolumns -showcolumnheader -showrowheader
ardi::item::table create
Creates an item of type "table".
- Syntax
ardi::item::table create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::table create -name "My Table Item".
ardi::item::table delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table delete -id $id
ardi::item::table get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::table getcell
Queries the value on a cell identified by row and column ID. Row and column IDs start with 0.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table getcell
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row
- Mandatory value: Row ID. The ID of the row.
- -column
- Mandatory value: Column ID. The ID of the column.
- -property
- (mandatry) value: 'value', 'href', 'color', 'textcolor', 'fontname', 'fontstyle', 'horizontal_alignment' and 'vertical_alignment'.
ardi::item::table getheader
Queries the header text on a row or on a column. Row and column IDs start with 1. Specify either row or column ID to query the current value.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table getheader
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row
- Value: Row ID. The ID of the row you want to query the header text.
- -column
- Value: Column ID. The ID of the column you want to query the header text.
- Returns
- The header text, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table getheader -id $id -column 1
ardi::item::table getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::table getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item::table set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table set -id $id -name "My Table Item" -value "Good monring, how are you today?"
ardi::item::table setcell
Sets the value on a cell identified by row and column ID. Row and column IDs start with 0.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table setcell
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row
- Mandatory value: Row ID. The ID of the row.
- -column
- Mandatory value: column ID. The ID of the column.
- -value
- Value: The value you want to set on the cell.
- -href
- Value: Object id to set cross-reference to.
- -color
- Value: Comma separated RGB color values. Color is applied to cell background, for example, for red color, specify "-color 255,0,0".
- -textcolor
- Value: Comma separated RGB color values. Valid values: comma separated RGB color value. For example, for green color, specify "-textcolor 0,255,0"
- -fontname
- Value: Font name. Note: This value is case-sensitive.
- -fontsize
- Value: Font size - a non-zero integer value.
- -fontstyle
- Value: Comma separated value of styles. Valid styles are 'bold', 'italic' or 'underline'. You can club styles such as "-fontstyle bold,italic".
- -horizontal_alignment
- Value: Alignment value. Valid values are 'left', 'center' or 'right'.
- -vertical_alignment
- Value: Alignment value. Valid values are 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table setcell -id $id -column 1 -value "My Header Text on column 1"
ardi::item::table setheader
Sets the header text on a row or on a column. Row and column IDs start with 0. Specify either row or column ID to set the header text to desired value.
- Syntax
ardi::item::table setheader
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -row
- value: row ID. The ID of the row you want to set a particular header text.
- -column
- Value: column ID. The ID of the column you want to set a particular header text.
- -value
- Value: The text you want to set as header of the specified row or column ID.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::table setheader -id $id -column 1 -value "My Header Text on column 1"
Interact with items of type tableofreference.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent
ardi::item::tableofreference create
Creates an item of type "tableofreference".
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item type table or tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::module create -name "My Module" -value {{A B C D} {2 2}} -parent $rootid value format : {{list data} {$numrows $numcols}}. Data should match numrows X numcols.
ardi::item::tableofreference delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::tableofreference delete -id $id
ardi::item::tableofreference get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::tableofreference get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::tableofreference getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::tableofreference getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item id.
ardi::item::tableofreference set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::tableofreference set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::tableofreference set -id $id -name "My Table of References" -value {{X Y 0.1 0.2} {2 2}} -parent $parentid
Interact with items of type text.
- Supported Property Names
-name -value -parent -type (read only)
ardi::item::text create
Creates an item of type "text".
- Syntax
ardi::item::text create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::text create -name "My Text Item".
ardi::item::text delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::text delete -id $id
ardi::item::text get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::text get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::text getcrossref
Queries the cross reference within text item.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text getcrossref
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
ardi::item::text getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::text getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item id.
ardi::item::text set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::text set -id $id -name "My Text Item" -value "Good monring, how are you today?"
ardi::item::text setcrossref
Sets the cross reference within text item.
- Syntax
ardi::item::text setcrossref
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- -value
- Mandatory value: {location refobjid}. location: {startposition endposition}. Position is <lineno>.<charindex>. End position is not included inside the reference link.
- Example
- set textid [ardi::item::text create -name "Crossref-demo" -value "Text Box Link: Href"] ardi::item::text setcrossref -id $textid -value {{1.15 1.19} $tbox1id}
Interact with items of type textdocument.
- Supported Property Names
-name -file -parent
ardi::item::textdocument create
Creates an item of type "textdocument".
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::textdocument create -name "My Text File" -file "example.txt"
ardi::item::textdocument delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::textdocument delete -id $id
ardi::item::textdocument get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::textdocument get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::textdocument getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::textdocument getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item id.
ardi::item::textdocument set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::textdocument set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::textdocument set -id $id -name "My External Excel Document" -file "c:/temp/textdocument.txt"
Interact with items of type worddocument.
- Supported Property Names
-name -file -parent
ardi::item::worddocument create
Creates an item of type "worddocument".
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument create
- Parameters
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The ID of the item or .tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation.
- Example
- ardi::item::worddocument create -name "My Word Document" -file "example.docx"
ardi::item::worddocument delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::worddocument delete -id $id
ardi::item::worddocument get
Queries the value of one property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument get
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- The value of the specified property or .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::worddocument get -id $id -property parent
ardi::item::worddocument getpropertyid
Queries ID of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item::worddocument getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item id.
ardi::item::worddocument set
Sets one or multiple parameters to specified values. The type of the item is assigned upon creation and cannot be changed after.
- Syntax
ardi::item::worddocument set
- Parameters
- -id
- Mandatory value: Item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
- For
- Value: A full list of property names see Supported Property Names above.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
- Example
- ardi::item::worddocument set -id $id -name "My External Word Document" -file "c:/temp/example.docx"
ardi::item apply
For better performance data created, manipulated or deleted go into a cache.
- Syntax
ardi::item apply
- Parameters
- -name
- Value: Layout name to use in case of presentation.
- -itemlist
- Value: List of item ids to apply. Default value: {}
- -parent
- Value: Parent of the cached items. if not specified root item will act as a parent. This API processes the cached data, clears the cache and redraws the GUI if needed.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error.
ardi::item delete
Deletes the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item delete
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: item ID.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, .tcl-error in case of error
ardi::item getpropertyid
Queries id of property.
- Syntax
ardi::item getpropertyid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property key
ardi::item getpropertykeylist
Queries list of properties keys.
- Syntax
ardi::item getpropertykeylist
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- List of property keys for a particular item ID.
ardi::item getroot
Queries the ID of the report root item.
- Syntax
ardi::item getroot
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- The ID of the report root item.
ardi::item gettype
Queries the type of the item with the specified ID.
- Syntax
ardi::item gettype
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
The type of the item.
ardi::item getypelist
Queries available types of items.
- Syntax
ardi::item gettypelist
- Returns
- A list of item types.
ardi::item hasProperty
Check if the item has property with specified key.
- Syntax
ardi::item hasProperty
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- -key
- Value: Property Key.
- Returns
- 1 if valid, 0 if invalid.
ardi::item isvalid
Check if the item with the specified ID is valid.
- Syntax
ardi::item isvalid
- Parameters
- -id
- Value: Item ID.
- Returns
- 1 if valid, 0 if invalid.