Enables user to execute and export report.
ardi::frwk addcustompackage
Registers Tcl package to load containing custom module.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk addcustompackage
- Parameters
- -directory
- Value: Directory that contains Tcl package.
- Returns
- 1 for OK; Tcl-error in case of error.
ardi::frwk addcustompath
Registers additional search path(s) to locate custom modules.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk addcustompath
- Parameters
- -directory
- Value: One or a list of paths separated by blank.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, Tcl-error in case of error.
ardi::frwk appendtemplate
Appends the specified report template to the existing report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk appendtemplate
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: File name of report template.
- Returns
- 1 for ok, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk execute
Executes the current report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk execute
- Parameters
- -id
- Default value: "root" all items in the report will be executed.
- Returns
- 1 for OK.
ardi::frwk export
Exports the Ms-office report based on current report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk export
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: File name of Ms-office report including extension.
- Returns
- Returns -1 for error, and 0 for success.
ardi::frwk getmasterdocument
Queries the current Ms-office master template file based on current report format (document, presentation).
- Syntax
ardi::frwk getmasterdocument
- Returns
- The current master document file path.
ardi::frwk getreporttype
Queries the Ms-office report type.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk getreporttype
- Returns
- The current Ms-office report type (word, ppt).
ardi::frwk getworkdir
Queries the current work directory.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk getworkdir
- Returns
- The current work directory.
ardi::frwk loadtemplate
Loads the specified report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk loadtemplate
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: File name of report template.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk newreport
Creates a new report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk newreport
- Parameters
- -type
- Value: Type of report (word, ppt).
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error
ardi::frwk quit
Quits ARD.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk quit
- Parameters
- None
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk registertype
Register a new type relating to an editor.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk registertype
- Parameters
- -type
- Value: Unique one-word, all lowercase identifier for the new type. This is the identifier you will need to specify in the module's .xml file.
- -class
- Value: ITcl class that contains the editor code. Make sure to use proper name space for your custom editor to avoid naming clashes.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl-error in case of error.
ardi::frwk savetemplate
Saves the current report template.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk savetemplate
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: File name of report template.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk setmasterdocument
Sets the Ms-office master template based on current report format (document, presentation).
- Syntax
ardi::frwk setmasterdocument
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: Ms-office master template file.
- Returns
- 1 for OK; Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk setworkdir
Sets the work directory to specified path.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk setworkdir
- Parameters
- -directory
- Value: Path of work directory.
- Returns
- 1 for OK; Tcl-error in case of error.
ardi::frwk start
- Syntax
ardi::frwk start
- Parameters
- -mode
- Value: Interactive (interactive with GUI) mute (engine only, no GUI).
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk sync
Syncs the Ms-office report based on current report structure.
- Syntax
ardi::frwk sync
- Parameters
- -file
- Value: File name of Ms-office report including extension.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk templateloadpostcommand
- Syntax
ardi::frwk templateloadpostcommand
- Parameters
- -command
- Value: The command, Tcl procedure or ITcl method to be called.
- Returns
- Value: 1 for OK, Tcl -error in case of error.
ardi::frwk templateloadprecommand
- Syntax
ardi::frwk templateloadprecommand
- Parameters
- -command
- Value: The command, Tcl procedure or ITcl method to be called.
- Returns
- 1 for OK, Tcl-error in case of error.