Add an Instance

Connect to an instance of Allocation Manager to configure and monitor allocations.

Before you can add an instance of Allocation Manager certain requirements must be met. For more information see Requirements for Adding an Instance of Allocation Manager.
When an instance of is added, any users who were added to AM via the command line are pulled into Control.
  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • Click the Monitor tab.
    • Click the Configure tab.
  2. Choose one of the sub-menus listed under the Allocation Manager menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
  3. Click Manage Instances.
    A dialog box appears where information about the Allocation Manager instance is entered.

    Manage Instances
    Figure 1. Manage Instances
  4. For Instance Name, enter the name of the Allocation Manager instance as it will appear in the Control web application.

    The instance name must be 20 characters or less.

  5. For Host, enter the hostname of the machine where Allocation Manager is installed by entering its:
    • IP address - a four-part number string such as
    • Host name - a text string such as
  6. If Allocation Manager is listening on a non-default port, click Show advanced options.
    Default port is 8000.
    1. For AM Port, enter the port that Allocation Manager listens on.
  7. Click Add.
    The instance of Allocation Manager is now accessible by the user who added it and any users who are Managers. The following notification is displayed to the user adding the instance or any Managers that are currently logged into Control:
    Your view is updated to reflect the privilege changes in cluster: INSTANCE
    where INSTANCE is the name of the Allocation Manager instance.
    Troubleshooting: The below error indicates that the instance has already been added by another user (either an AM Admin or a Manager).
    While performing aminstance action: Unable to add Allocation Manager instance at INSTANCE
    where INSTANCE is the name of the Allocation Manager instance.

    To resolve this issue, a Manager must grant access to the instance.

Use the Configure tab to configure the instance. Use the Monitor tab to monitor the instance.