Display a Custom Icon for an Application

Provide a custom icon to represent an application or solver in the Access Desktop user interface.

By default, Access Desktop generates a unique generic icon for each of the application for visual distinction. The generic icon is displayed in the Access Desktop user interface when displaying the list of available applications/solvers for submitting a job. To display a custom icon, place the icon in a special application definition directory.

A directory called avatar must be created in the application definition directory and the custom icon must be placed in this directory.

The custom icon should meet the following criteria:
  • supported icon formats are JPG, JPEG and PNG.
  • the name of the custom icon must be application.jpg, application.jpeg, or application.png.
  • minimum size of the icon should be 48x48 pixels.
The custom icon placed in the avatar directory gets converted to the following application icon set:
  • ApplicationName-16.png
  • ApplicationName-24.png
  • ApplicationName-48.png
  • ApplicationName.ico

The custom icon will be resized dynamically and it will be displayed in the application list menu and in the context menu.

Figure 1. Custom Application Icon in Application List and Context Menu
To maintain backward compatibility, application definitions with the following XML elements <ApplicationIconSmall> (icon size 16x16), <ApplicationIconMedium> (icon size 48x48), <ApplicationIconRegular> (icon size 24x24) for the context menu and application list is still valid.
  1. Log in to the machine where Access Desktop is installed.
  2. Navigate to the required application directory to place the application icon.
    C:\Users\%userprofile%\Altair_Access\home\apps\PAS\data\pas\targets\<cluster name>\repository\applications\<application name>
  3. Create an avatar directory.
  4. Copy the custom icon to the avatar directory.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for all applications.
  6. Restart Access Desktop.
    The custom icon displays for the application in context menu and in the application list.