Configure How Often to Restart the Python Interpreter

Determine when the Python Interpreter should be restarted.

PBS keeps track of the number of hooks serviced, the number of objects created, and the time since the Python interpreter was last restarted. You can set a limits for these attributes to control how often the Python interpreter is restarted.

  1. Click the Configure tab.
  2. Choose the HPC to configure.

    Choose an HPC
    Figure 1. Choose an HPC
  3. Click Hooks from the PBS Professional menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
  4. Click located to the right of Max Hook Runs Before Python Restart.
  5. For Max Hook Runs Before Python Restart, enter the maximum number of hooks to be serviced before the Python interpreter is restarted.
    If this number is exceeded and the time limit set for Python Restart Interval has elapsed, the Python interpreter is restarted. Default is 100.
  6. Click to save the change.
  7. Click located to the right of Max Objects Before Python Restart.
  8. For Max Objects Before Python Restart, enter the maximum number of objects to be created before the Python interpreter is restarted.
    If this number is exceeded and the time limit set for Python Restart Interval has elapsed, the Python interpreter is restarted. Default is 1000.
  9. Click to save the change.
  10. Click located to the right of Python Restart Interval.
  11. For Python Restart Interval, enter the minimum time interval before the Python interpreter is restarted.
    If this interval has elapsed, and either the maximum number of hooks to be serviced (Max Hook Runs Before Python Restart) has been exceeded or the maximum number of objects to be created (Max Objects Before Python Restart) has been exceeded, the Python interpreter is restarted.
    The duration can be entered as an integer in seconds or in the format: [[HH:]MM:]SS. Default is 30 seconds.
  12. Click to save the change.