The Mouse Meter Tool
The mouse meter tool offers the possibility to determine distances in an existing database in a graphical way. The tool is either activated by using the toolbar symbol or using the mouse meter tool hotkey, Alt+G. Unlike the other tools, the mouse meter tool can be activated at any time, even when processing templates or other database objects.
When the reference point selection is done and the mouse is moved, a blue dotted circle and a blue dotted line will appear. The line shows the direct connection of the reference point to the currently selected viewpoint. The circle shows the location of all points that are equidistant to the selected reference point. The line can be activated or deactivated pressing the “L” key on the keyboard. In the same way, the circle can be activated or deactivated by the “C” key. Beneath the mouse cursor position, a textual information will show the coordinates of the current mouse cursor position and the distance to the selected reference points in meters.
The mouse meter tool is left by clicking the right mouse button, using the toolbar symbol or using the hotkey, Alt+G once again. If the mouse meter tool was entered while working with another tool, the latter will be reactivated when the mouse meter tool is left and the editing process can be continued.
Key / Mouse Button | Function |
Alt+G | Activates and deactivates the mouse meter tool. |
L | Activates and deactivates the mouse meter line display. |
C | Activates and deactivates the mouse meter circle display. |
Left mouse button click | Sets new reference (centre) point. |
Right mouse button click | Closes the mouse meter tool. |
Esc | Closes the mouse meter tool. |