Import Additional Data from ASCII File

Import additional data for highlighting and illustration from an ASCII file.

Additional data such as vector objects for highlighting and illustration purposes, shown in the Project View, can be imported from ASCII file by selecting File > Import > Additional Data. A dialog will open where the file path and name of the ASCII file to be imported has to be specified.

The format of the file is restricted to the definitions given below. Lines which do not start with a keyword listed below will not be considered. Each layer or object starts with a new line. Individual values have to be separated with a space.

Data Layer

Tip: At least one layer has to be available in order to import data objects. In case data layers are already defined in the project, objects can be imported also to these existing layers if the correct layer ID is specified.
Table 1. Importing a data layer.
Keyword Arbitrary Name ID Visible (yes or no)
LAYER “Layer 1” 0 y or n
Note: At least one layer has to be available in order to import data objects. In case data layers is already defined in the project, objects can be imported also to these existing layers if the correct layer ID is specified.

Rectangle Objects

Table 2. Importing a rectangle object.
Keyword Layer ID Line Width Color (RGB) Filled Mode (yes or no) Lower- Left Corner (x, y, z) Upper-Right Corner (x, y, z)
RECTANGLE 0 1 255 0 128 y or n 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.75 10.34 0.00

Polygon Objects

Table 3. Importing a polygon object.
Keyword Layer ID Line Width Color (RGB) Filled Mode (yes or no) Number of Definition Points Definition Points (x, y, z)
POLYGON 0 2 255 0 128 y or n 4 -1.75 10.34 1.50 -4.45 .....

Polyline Objects

Table 4. Importing a polyline object.
Keyword Layer ID Line Width Color (RGB) Number of Definition Points Definitions Points (x, y, z)
POLYLINE 0 1 255 0 128 2 3.28 2.00 1.50 4.87 3.45 1.50

Circle Objects

Table 5. Importing a circle object.
Keyword Layer ID Line Width Color (RGB) Filled Mode (yes or no) Lower-Left Corner (x, y, z) Upper-Right Corner (x, y, z)
RECTANGLE 0 1 255 0 128 y or n 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00

Ellipse Object

Table 6. Importing a polyline object.
Keyword Layer ID Line Width Color (RGB) Filled Mode (yes or no) Lower-Left Corner (x, y, z) Upper-Right Corner (x, y, z)
ELLIPSE 0 2 255 0 128 y or n 0.00 0.00 1.00 10.75 15.34 1.00


Table 7. Importing text.
Keyword Layer ID Font Size Bold Italic Color (RGB) Definition Point (x, y, z) Orientation (degree) Text
TEXT 0 14 y n 255 0 128 0.00 0.00 0.00 45 “Sample Text”
Tip: For the layer ID an ID of an existing data layer has to be specified. All coordinates have to be given in the coordinate system of the project, thus in meters.

Figure 1. A sample of an import.
Note: In case there a doubts concerning the import format, please define a corresponding object in CoMan and export it to an ASCII file.