
Define the symmetry boundary conditions. You can define up to two symmetry planes. The second symmetry plane must be parallel or orthogonal to the first.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Die Design tab.
  2. Click the Part icon.

  3. Click the Symmetry icon.

    A blue arrow is displayed with an origin point.

  4. Hover over a part to position the symmetry plane, and then click to create the symmetric copy.

    Note: To add a gap between the original part and the symmetric copy, change the Minimum Distance by dragging the yellow arrow or entering a value.

    Note: To delete a symmetry plane, select it, and then press Delete.
  5. To add a second symmetry plane, hold down Alt while hovering over a part to position the second symmetry plane, and then click to create the second symmetric copy.
    Note: The second symmetry plane must be parallel or orthogonal to the first.
  6. Optional: To adjust the symmetry plane, in the guide bar, select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Global X Axis
    Global Y Axis
    Global Z Axis
    Reference Geometry: In the modeling window, click a reference object.
    Custom : In the modeling window, drag the Phi Angle and Theta Angle arrows, or click one of the arrows and enter an angle. You can also drag the Direction Point.
    Invert Direction
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
Next, modify the draw direction.