Command Line Execution

You can install and invoke SimSolid from the operating system command line.


SimSolid supports installation from the command line. This is intended to centralize remote management and better support large installations.

The command line syntax for installation is as follows:
  • Start /wait Simsolid-setup.exe /S /D=<installationfolder>

    Where: /S indicates silent install

    /D defines the installation folder

Note: /D must be the last parameter on the command line and the string must not contain quotes even if the part contains blank spaces.

The above options are case-sensitive, so /S will work, but /s will not.

You must uninstall any existing versions of SimSolid from your machine before using this method. To uninstall, use the following command line syntax:
  • start /wait /D"C:\Program Files\SimSolid\SimSolid" uninstall.exe "/S _?=C:\Program Files\SimSolid"


You can invoke SimSolid and import geometry from the operating system command line. Optional parameters are provided to specify CAD input file(s) and geometry import settings. You do not need to specify the CAD file format; it will be auto-detected.

Optional Parameters

  • -f or --file <file_path>
    Note: You can use this option multiple times to import multiple files.
  • -r or --resolution <standard | enhanced | fine | custom> (Optional. Default is standard.)
  • -a or --angle <angular_deviation_in_degrees> (Optional. Default is 15.0.)
  • -c or --chord <chordal_deviation_in_mm> (Optional. Default is 0.635)
  • -m or --method <ct | parasolid> (Optional. Default is parasolid.)

Invocation Examples

simsolid.exe -f C:\Models\example1.x_t 
simsolid.exe --file C:\Models\example1.x_t 
simsolid.exe -f C:\Models\example2.prt -r enhanced 
simsolid.exe --file C:\Models\example2.prt --resolution enhanced 
simsolid.exe -f C:\Models\example3.asm.1 -r -a 5 -c 0.1 -m ct 
simsolid.exe --file C:\Models\example.asm.1 --resolution custom --angle 5 --chord 0.1 --method ct 

Batch Mode

This mode enables you to run various operations by executing a JavaScript file through command line arguments. Modal analysis with regular connections is currently supported. You cannot apply boundary conditions with batch mode.

This capability is only available for the full version of SimSolid.

The command line syntax for running operations in batch mode is as follows:

Start /wait <Path to SimSolid installation folder>\simsolid.exe -S <JavaScript file path> -l <log file>


  • -S indicates the JavaScript file to be executed
  • -l defines the log file
start /wait C:\Program Files\Altair\SimSolid\2020.2\simsolid.exe -s C:\Models\Batch\modal.js -l C:\Models\Batch\log.txt

The JavaScript file can be parameterized and executed via command line arguments. You can parameterize any value using %#% , meaning %1% indicates parameter #1, %2% indicates parameter #2 and so on.

The command line syntax for running with parameters is as follows:

Start /wait <Path to SimSolid installation folder>\simsolid.exe -S <JavaScript file path> -l <log file> -p <parameter #1> -p <parameter #2>

  • -S indicates the JavaScript file to be executed
  • -l defines the log file
Example with geometry file name and solution settings parameterized:
start /wait C:\Program Files\Altair\SimSolid\2020.2\simsolid.exe -s C:\Models\Batch\modal.js -l C:\Models\Batch\log.txt -p pullupbar-v2 -p stress

Batch Mode Examples

Example .js files are located here: <install_directory>\2021\SimSolid2021\Examples\Batch mode.