Assembly Info

This dialog provides summary information for all parts in a given Project Tree branch.

To access the dialog, in the Project Tree right-click the Assembly and select Info from the context menu.

Information includes the following:
  • Volume
  • Bounding box
  • Weight
    Note: Weight requires that material properties are defined for each part.
  • Center of gravity
In addition, a count on the types of parts, such as nuts, bolts, sheets and seam welds, in the assembly branch is given as well as total number of facets.
Two types of facets are reported:
  • Geometry facets - those used to define the shape of the part
  • Results display facets - used to define the response mesh for creating result values for contour plots. This includes the response mesh from seam welds as well.
Information regarding the source of the geometry, import time and connection search times are also reported.
  • Geometry source: Source of the geometry or CAD file type.
  • Time geometry import: Time in seconds to import the geometry from file/cloud.
  • Time create geometry storage: This includes time in seconds for geometry repair, part identification, face identification and so on.
  • Connection search time: Time in secs for regular connection search through automatic connections dialog.
  • Connections overlap clean time: Time in secs to clean up regular connections created using automatic connections dialog.