Search Windchill-Simple Query

  1. Open the Explore dialog.
  2. Click the Windchill repository, or add a new one, in the Explore dialog.
  3. Click Login.
  4. Enter text to search on in the Query field and select which attribute to search from the By list.
    Selecting Only with CAD Document will search for only parts that have attached CAD Documents.
  5. Click Simple query.
    Items matching the query criteria are returned.
  6. Select the desired parts(s) or file(s) and select a temporary folder to retrieve the files in the Select output directory field. You can browse the part structure and view individual files associated to item revisions by expanding or collapsing items in the tree or by selecting Expand all from the コンテキストメニュー.
    You can also view additional properties of the selected part by selecting More Properties from the コンテキストメニュー. Selecting a part results in all files associated to the selected part and all files associated with the selected part’s children being retrieved. Selecting individual files results in those files being retrieved.
  7. Click Open.
    CAD file(s) associated to the selected part, along with CAD file(s) associated to any related parts, are retrieved to the specified output directory and can now be imported into HyperMesh.