Publish to Windchill-Upload to PDM

You can upload contents from HyperWorks Collaboration Tools libraries, meshes, solver files, simulation results, and so on directly into your Windchill PLM system.

  1. Select a content in your workspace, retrieved via Get or Check-Out, having an attached document, right-click and select Upload to PDM from the コンテキストメニュー.
  2. Select the desired Windchill repository, or add a new one.
  3. Click Login.
  4. To query for the Part your simulation file will be attached to, enter text to search on in the Query field and select which attribute to search from the By list.
    Checking Only with CAD Document will search for only parts that have attached CAD Documents. Alternatively, you could use the advanced query options by using the Query Editor dialog.
  5. Click Simple query.
    Parts matching the query criteria are returned.
  6. Select the desired part.
  7. Select the Content Role from the provided list.
  8. Click Upload.
    If the upload is successful, you will see a dialog that says that the file was uploaded successfully, and you will see the new file associated with the chosen part.