Contents and Content Definition

Content refers to any information stored in a library. Content Definitions encapsulate information about the types of information managed by the HyperWorks libraries.


Contents hold information such as metadata, like content name, zero or more documents, and references to other contents. Anything that can be described using the HyperWorks content definition XML format can be managed as content.

Content Definition

Content Definitions encapsulate information about the types of information managed by the HyperWorks libraries. The information is captured as:
  • Metadata that is associated with the content
  • Dependencies between the metadata, if any
  • Relationships that can be achieved between this content type and others

The Organizeブラウザ has three special content types that are reserved. They are ContentType, Category and FolderType. Out-of-the-box content definitions are provided for CAE content types, which are used when creating a managed CAE library.

Content Definition XML Schema

Content definitions can be created using XML schema. HyperWorks does not have a schema validating XML parser, therefore it is the responsibility of the publisher to make sure the content type XML description is validated externally.

At the root of the document is the element ContentType, with name as a mandatory attribute. It contains a list of metadata. Each metadata has name and type as required attributes. If the mandatory attribute is true then defaultvalue should be specified. In addition a metadata might have a set of valid values.

Metadata Attributes

name (mandatory - string)
Name of metadata.
type (mandatory - string)
Metadata value type. Should be one of string, int, float, boolean.
dname (boolean)
If it is true then the metadata is used as name for the related content.
editable (boolean)
If it is true then the metadata is editable by you.
displayable (boolean)
If it is true then the metadata is displayed to you.
mandatory (boolean)
If it is true then the metadata should be filled by you.
displayName (string)
Metadata display name.
defaultvalue (string)
Metadata default value.
category (string)
Metadata category.
注: It is mandatory to set dname to true on one and only one attribute.


A parser automatically extracts information from files when they are added to a library. The extracted information is stored as content metadata, or as indexed metadata, and can be used when searching for contents in a library. Searches can be metadata or full-text based.