Index a Folder

Folders and files can be added to libraries.

For managed libraries, folders and files can be added via the Organizeブラウザ.

  1. Select Add Files and Folders from the コンテキストメニュー when a Folder is selected.
  2. In the top, List of Files/Folders to Add panel, select folders and/or individual files to be indexed. Use the Add Files and Add Folder icons to select files and/or folders. Use the Remove Files/Folders button to remove selected files or folders from the list.
  3. In the bottom, List of Files/Folders to Exclude panel, select files and/or folders you want to not be indexed, that is, remove from the list of files and folders in the top panel.
  4. Click OK.
    A dialog displays noting the files and/or folders you selected are being indexed.
  5. Click OK.
    All of the selected files and folders are indexed.
    注: If they are of a known type, for which a valid parser is available, then the appropriate content type is created along with associated metadata. The indexing process runs in the background. You can close the software if you choose, and the indexing will continue. Once the process completes, the new contents display the next time you open or refresh the library. If the Organizeブラウザ is open at the time the process completes, you will be notified and prompted and your library can be refreshed automatically.