
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of results files into a format that the program can read. A table of the translators supplied with the programs appears below. Since the program can read HyperMesh binary results files, the entire set of HyperMesh results translators is included.

To run a translator, type the name of the translator, desired command line options, the name of an input file, and the name of an output file. To view usage notes on a particular translator, type the name of the translator at the command prompt and press enter.

The following translators are included:
Translator Converts To
fatigueprep ADAMS .res file .dac files
fil2mrf Abaqus .fil file Altair multibody result file for animation in HyperView

Altair Binary Format for plotting in HyperGraph

Tabulated ASCII file

flexprep Nastran punch files, via ADAMS DMAP, alters into an Altair H3D file.


Altair H3D files

Altair H3D file

Altair H3D file


hgares ADAMS formatted .res files Altair Multibody Result File for animation in HyperView

Altair Binary File for plotting in HyperGraph

Tabulated ASCII file

hgreq ADAMS request file Altair Binary Format
mvg STL, Wavefront, hmascii Altair .g graphic file