Model Data

In the Animation client, either the Abaqus INP or ODB file can be loaded for model data.

INP Files as Model Data

When reading an INP file as model data, click Reader Options to access different importing options.

If selecting the By HM Comment option:
  • HyperMesh will consider any available comments written during a previous model export from Version 9.0.
  • If no comments are found, HyperMesh creates a component for every element set (ELSET) that points to a sectional property. The collector will have the name of the referenced element set.
  • The model organization and colors are maintained when using this option.

When the model is read, the elements are organized into HyperView components based the Reader Options selected. If By HM Comment is selected, elements are organized into HyperView components based on section properties defined in the INP file. If the By 1 Comp option is selected, all elements are organized into one component.

In most cases, Altair recommends using a corresponding INP file when one is available. HyperView 9.0 also reads node and element sets from the input file. These sets are available in the Groups panel.

ODB Files as Model Data

When using an ODB file as model data the import options function is not available. On import, each ELSET that has a sectional property assigned will become a component in HyperMesh. The name of each component will be the name of the ELSET parameter the property is referring to. HyperView does not currently read other sets from the ODB file.

In HyperView, an element must belong to only one component. Also, there is no data structure to support Abaqus ELSET, where one element can belong to multiple components. The sectional property card of the element set defines these components. However, the ODB file does not contain any sectional property information. Therefore, there is no way to distinguish between a component and a regular ELSET from the ODB file. To correct this, the Abaqus ODB reader sorts all the ELSETs according to their size (smaller to larger) and creates components from them. Then, it loops through each ELSET and tries to add all elements in that set to the corresponding component. If an element has already been added to a previous component, it is ignored. At the end, if some components are left without any elements, they are deleted.

The consequence of this approach is that an element belongs to the smallest component in which it is found, causing possible "holes" in components.

By Comments Option

HyperView will consider comments written during a previous model export from HyperMesh Version 9.0. This will help you to retrieve the same component organization as created in a previous HyperMesh session. Mainly you receive a component per each sectional property with an **HM_comp_by_property comment in front of it.

If no comments are present, HyperView creates a component for every element set (ELSET) that points to a sectional property.