Symmetry Options

The Symmetry option menu enables you to reflect modifications from right side to the left (Right -> Left) or not to reflect modifications at all (None).

When an auto entity pair is added to the model, MotionView automatically reflects the modifications made to the left auto entity of the pair to the right auto entity also, unless you choose otherwise. MotionView assumes bilateral symmetry about the global X-Z plane. However, MotionView’s Symmetry feature enables you to enter data for only one side, saving you time. The None option lets you alter the left and right auto entity independently, enabling you to model Asymmetric auto entities due to manufacturing tolerances or design.

Left -> Right
Modifications you make to the left auto entity will be applied to the right auto entity of the pair as well. You may not modify the connectivity or properties of the right auto entity.
Right -> Left
Modifications you make to the right auto entity will be applied to the left auto entity of the pair as well. You may not modify the connectivity or properties of the left auto entity.
Do not reflect modifications on either auto entity of the pair. You may modify the connectivity and properties either auto entity independently, allowing for asymmetrical connectivity or properties.