Plotting Auto Entities in HyperGraph

When plotting using the .abf file, the requests appear under the REQSUB type. The Bushing label (“AutoBush 0” in this example) is added to the request type (“Force-Bushing”,”Displacement Bushing”, etc.) and put in the Request Description to help you understand requests when plotting them. The Bushing label can be changed in the MotionView graphical user interface to provide a meaningful description of the bushing.

Figure 1. AutoBush Requests Using The .abf File
When plotting data using the .plt file the requests appear under the User Defined request type:

Figure 2. AutoBush Requests Using The .plt File
Data is reported in the following columns in the .abf and .plt files:
Table 1.
Displacement Results X Dis Y Dis Z Dis



X Rot Y Rot Z Rot



.abf file Result(2) Result(3) Result(4) Not Reported Result(6) Result(7) Result(8) Not Reported
.plt file X Y Z MAG RX RY RZ RMAG
Table 2.
Velocity Results X Vel Y Vel Z Vel



X Rot Vel Y Rot Vel Z Rot Vel

Rot Vel


.abf file Result(2) Result(3) Result(4) Not Reported Result(6) Result(7) Result(8) Not Reported
.plt file X Y Z MAG RX RY RZ RMAG
Table 3.
Force Results X For Y For Z For



X Mom Y Mom Z Mom



.abf file Result(2) Result(3) Result(4) Result(1) Result(6) Result(7) Result(8) Result(5)
.plt file X Y Z MAG RX RY RZ RMAG

Displacements, Velocities, and Forces are reported in the units used in the MotionView model.