
CSE Components

States Array
There are two states in the CSE:
Element Description Units
1 Engine Speed [rad/sec]
2 Clutch Slip [rad]
Initial Condition Array
Element Description Units
1 Engine Speed Initial Condition [rad/sec]
2 Clutch Slip Initial Condition [rad]
Input Array
Element Description Units (of Value)
1 Throttle Demand Variable ID [No Units]
2 Clutch Demand Variable ID [No Units]
3 Transmission Speed (at gear box input) Variable ID [rad/sec]
4 Gear Demand Variable ID [No Units]
Output Array
Element Description Units
1 Throttle Position [0-1]
2 Engine Speed [rad/sec]
3 Clutch Slip [rad/sec]
4 Clutch Slip Velocity [rad/sec2]
5 Engine Torque [Model Units]
6 Clutch Torque [Model Units]
7 Throttle Position At Static [0-1]

Sub-Routine Information

Function name (CSE): POWERTRAIN

Dll name: msautoutils.dll

Table 1.
Element Solver Array [id of]
1 0
2 Clutch Properties Array
3 Engine Properties Array
4 *Reserved* [Optional]

Function name (Outputs): POWERTRAIN_REQ

Dll name: msautoutils.dll

Argument Solver Array
1 0
2 Request Parameter


In this example the elements Engine Property array and the Clutch Property array are in the same order as defined in the section above.
     id                  = "303001"
     label               = "Engine Map String"
     string              = "prop_files/V12_engine_map.pwr"
     id                  = "30300300"
     label               = "Powertrain Input Array"
     type                = "U"
     num_element         = "4">
    30400100 30400200 30400300 30400400 
     id                  = "30300400"
     label               = "Powertrain State Array"
     type                = "X"
     num_element         = "1"
     id                  = "30300500"
     label               = "Powertrain Output Array"
     type                = "Y"
     num_element         = "1"
     id                  = "30300100"
     label               = "Engine Properties"
     type                = "IC"
     num_element         = "6">
   4.0000000E+00   8.2000000E+02   3.0300100E+05   2.0000000E+00   1.2000000E+02
     id                  = "30300200"
     label               = "Clutch Properties"
     type                = "IC"
     num_element         = "6">
   1.0000000E+06   5.0000000E+04   2.0000000E+04   7.5000000E-01   2.5000000E-01
     id                  = "30300600"
     label               = "Powertrain State IC Array"
     type                = "IC"
     num_element         = "2">
   5.0000000E+02   0.0000000E+00
     id                  = "303001"
     type                = "USERSUB"
     x_array_id          = "30300400"
     y_array_id          = "30300500"
     u_array_id          = "30300300"
     ic_array_id         = "30300600"
     num_state           = "2"
     num_output          = "7"
     usrsub_param_string = "USER(0,30300200,30300100,0)"
     usrsub_dll_name     = "msautoutils"
     usrsub_fnc_name     = "POWERTRAIN"
     usrsub_der1_name    = "GSEXX"
     usrsub_der2_name    = "GSEXU"
     usrsub_der3_name    = "GSEYX"
     usrsub_der4_name    = "GSEYU"
     is_static_hold      = "FALSE"