COSIN/io 2D Road Type: flatbelt

COSIN/road searches for the data block $flatbelt, and reads:
Name of input variable Unit Meaning
v m/s Rotation speed of belt surface (be sure to choose rolling_speed = 0 in data block $sources. Otherwise, the wheel moves away from the belt).
number_cleats - Number of extra cleats on belt (number_cleats = 0 allowed).
cleat_height mm Height of extra cleats.
cleat_length mm Length of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of drum.
cleat_bevel_edge_length mm Length of bevel edge of cleat, measured in circumferential direction of drum. Bevel edge has 45deg slope.
mu_factor_cleat - Friction modification factor on cleats.
acceleration_time s Optional time span at beginning of simulation during which the belt is accelerated to nominal speed.