Results Database

The HyperMesh results database is divided into sections called simulations. Each simulation represents the state of a model under an applied load. For a linear run, a simulation exists for each combination of applied load. For a nonlinear run, a simulation exists at every time step, or incremental amount of load, at which results are reported.

Each simulation is divided into sections called data types. Preferably, at least one data type exists within each simulation found in the database. Every data type stores a table of results in the form of nodal displacements, nodal values, or element values (real or complex). A data type can only hold one form of results, and once assigned, it cannot be changed. If the data type is of the form nodal displacements, then each record stores the ID of the node and the x, y, and z coordinate of displacement. Note that the displacement vector stored is relative to the original position of the node. If the data type is of the form nodal values, then each record stores the ID of the node and a value. Finally, just as the nodal value form stores a value per node, the element value form stores a value per element.

Visually, the relationship between the simulation, data type, and results is as follows:
100 N Applied to Beam (Simulation 1)
Displacements (Data Type 1)
node id, vector (result record)
Von Mises Stress (Data Type 2)
element id, von mises stress (result record)
100 N Applied to Cross Beam (Simulation 2)
Displacements (Data Type 1)
node id, vector (result record)
Von Mises Stress (Data Type 2)
element id, von mises stress (result record)

Each simulation and data type in a results file is assigned a name which is later presented to you. You then select the desired simulation and data type by selecting these names. For this reason, make the names assigned to simulation and data types meaningful to you. In addition, all of the simulation names in a results database must be unique, and all of the data type names in a simulation must also be unique.

The database contains a flag which indicates if the displacements recorded in the database are relative to the global coordinate system or a local nodal coordinate system. By default, all displacements are assumed to be relative to the global coordinate system. If this is not the case, you may set the local displacement flag, which causes HyperMesh to display the displacement vectors relative to the local nodal coordinate systems.

Available data type forms include:
  1. Nodal displacements
  2. Nodal values
  3. Elemental values
  4. Complex nodal displacements
  5. Complex nodal values
  6. Complex elemental values
  7. Complex nodal von Mises values
  8. Complex elemental von Mises values