Using the animation button.
Select a polar plot from the active session.
Click the transient animation button.
Animation starts for all windows on the page. At each animation step,
the polar plot windows update to display the Magnitude and Phase values at the
animation step’s frequency.
Click the transient animation button again.
The animation for the page stops.
Using the animation controls panel, OR, using the active polar
From the toolbar, select the Animation Controls panel.
Drag the slider bar to change the current animation frame.
At each animation step, the polar plot windows update to show the
Magnitude and Phase values at the animation step’s frequency.
Using the status bar.
Click the Frequency list in the status bar at the bottom of the HyperGraph 2D window.
HyperGraph 2D displays the list of frequencies for all
animation steps.
Select a frequency from the list or use the previous next arrows.
Click Apply or OK.
Only the polar plot updates to the time step that shows the
HyperGraph 2D locks the animation for the
polar plot window for the selected time step.
Click the transient animation button or drag the animation slider bar.
Polar plot windows linked to a frequency selection from the toolbar are
not animated with the rest of the windows on the page.