Control Cards
Control card entities create solver control cards such as results file I/O options, CPU and memory limits, and others.
A solver interface template must be loaded which defines control cards in order to create and edit control cards.
Card | Description |
*CONSTRAINT CONTROLS | Reset overconstraint checking controls. |
*DEPVAR | Specify solution-dependent state variables. |
*HEADING | Print a heading on the output. |
*PREPRINT | Select printout for the analysis input file processor. |
*RESTART | Save and reuse data and analysis results. |
The input translator recognizes ANSYS cards. If an unsupported field is found in a card, a message is displayed on the status bar. The messages are also printed to the file ansys.msg. General slash commands, SOLUTION commands, POST1 commands, and POST26 commands are referred to as control cards. Unrecognized cards are written to a *.hmx file.
Card | Description |
ACEL | Specifies the linear acceleration of the structure. |
ALPHAD | Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping. |
ANTYPE | Specifies the analysis type and restart status. |
ARCLEN | Activates the arc length method. |
ARCTRM | Controls termination of the arc-length solution |
/ASSIGN | Reassigns a file name to an ANSYS file identifier. |
AUTOTS | Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping. |
/BATCH | Sets the program mode to "batch" |
BETAD | Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping. |
BFUNIF | Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes. |
BUCOPT | Specifies buckling analysis options |
CGLOC | Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system. |
CGOMGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin. |
CMDOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis. |
CMOMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis. |
CNVTOL | Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses. |
/COM | Places a comment in the output. |
/COPY | Copies a file. |
CRPLIM | Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping. |
DCGOMG | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin. |
/DELETE | Deletes a file. |
DELTIM | Specifies the time step sizes to be used for this load step. |
DMPRAT | Sets a constant damping ratio. |
DOF | Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set. |
DOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure. |
EMUNIT | Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems. |
EQSLV | Specifies the type of equation solver. |
ERESX | Specifies extrapolation of integration point results. |
EORIENT | Reorient SOLID elements' axes |
ETABLE | Fills a table of element values for further processing. |
EXPASS | Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis. |
HARFRQ | Defines the frequency range in the harmonic response analysis. |
HREXP | Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass. |
HROPT | Specifies harmonic analysis options. |
HROUT | Specifies the harmonic analysis output options. |
IRLF | Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed. |
KBC | Specifies stepped or ramped loading within a load step. |
KUSE | Specifies whether or not to reuse the triangularized matrix. |
LNSRCH | Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson. |
LSSOLVE | Reads and solves multiple load steps. |
LVSCALE | Scales the load vector for mode superposition analyses. |
MDAMP | Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode. |
MODE | Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step. |
MODOPT | Specifies modal analysis options. |
MXPAND | Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal or buckling analysis. |
NCNV | Sets the key to terminate an analysis. |
NEQIT | Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear analyses. |
NLGEOM | Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis. |
NROPT | Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient analysis. |
NSUBST | Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step. |
OMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure. |
OUTRES | Controls the solution data written to the database. |
/POST1 | Enters the database results post-processor. |
PRED | Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis. |
PRESOL | Prints the solution results for elements. |
PSTRES | Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included. |
RSYS | Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of results. |
SLOAD | Loads a pretension section. |
/SOLU | Enters the solution processor. |
SOLU | Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored. |
SOLVE | Starts a solution. |
SSTIF | Activates stress stiffness effects in a nonlinear analysis. |
/STITLE | Defines subtitles. |
SUBOPT | Specifies options for subspace iteration eigenvalue extraction. |
/SYS | Passes a command string to the operating system. |
TIME | Sets the time for a load step. |
TIMINT | Turns on transient effects. |
TINTP | Defines transient integration parameters. |
/TITLE | Defines a main title. |
TOFFST | Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero. |
TOTAL | Specifies automatic MDOF generation. |
TREF | Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain calculations. |
TRNOPT | Specifies transient analysis options. |
TUNIF | Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes. |
/UNITS | Annotates the database with the system of units used. |
Card | Description |
OUTPUTS | Determines which data will be written to the output file. |
PARAMETERS | Input parameters that are independent of the solution method or solver. |
SOLUTION | Solution method and options to be selected in the solution. |
Card | Description |
*CONTROL_ACCURACY | Define control parameters that can improve the accuracy of the calculation. |
*CONTROL_ADAPSTEP | Define control parameters for contact interface force update during each adaptive cycle. |
*CONTROL_ADAPTIVE | Activate adaptive meshing. |
*CONTROL_ADAPTIVE_CURVE | To refine the element mesh along a curve. |
*CONTROL_ALE | Set global control parameters for the Arbitrary Lagrange-Eulerian and Eulerian calculations. |
*CONTROL_BULK_VISCOSITY | Reset the default values of the bulk viscosity coefficients globally. |
*CONTROL_CHECK | Check for various problems in the mesh. |
*CONTROL_COARSEN | Adaptively de-refine (coarsen) a shell mesh by selectively merging four adjacent elements into one. |
*CONTROL_CONTACT | Change defaults for computation with contact surfaces. |
*CONTROL_COUPLING | Change defaults for MADYMO3D/CAL3D coupling. |
*CONTROL_CPM | Global control parameters for CPM (Corpuscular Particle Method). |
*CONTROL_CPU | Control CPU time. |
*CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION | Initialize stresses and deformation in a model to simulate a preload. |
*CONTROL_EFG | Define controls for the mesh-free computation. |
*CONTROL_ENERGY | Provide controls for energy dissipation options |
*CONTROL_EXPLOSIVE_SHADOW | Compute detonation times in explosive elements for which there is no direct line of sight. |
*CONTROL_HOURGLASS | Set the default values of the hourglass control to override the default values. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO | Define parameters for automatic time step control during implicit analysis. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_BUCKLE | Activate implicit buckling analysis when termination time is reached. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_DYNAMICS | Activate implicit dynamic analysis and define time integration constants. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_EIGENVALUE | Activate implicit eigenvalue analysis and define associated input parameters. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_FORMING | Activate implicit static analysis, primarily for metal forming processes. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL | Activate implicit analysis and define associated control parameters. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_INERTIA_RELIEF | Allows analysis of linear static problems that have rigid body modes. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_MODES | Request calculation of constraint and/or attachment modes for later use in modal analysis using *PART_MODES. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_SOLUTION | Optional card that applies to implicit calculations.Used to specify whether a linear or nonlinear solution is desired. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_SOLVER | Optional card that applies to implicit calculations. The linear equation solver performs the CPU-intensive stiffness matrix inversion. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_STABILIZATION | Optional card that applies to implicit calculations. Artificial stabilization is required for multi-step unloading in implicit springback analysis. |
*CONTROL_IMPLICIT_TERMINATION | Specify termination criteria for implicit transient simulations. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_AUTOMATIC | Instructs the program to apply a simple heuristic to try to determine the proper decomposition for the simulation. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_CHECK_SPEED | Modifies the decomposition depending on the relative speed of the processors involved. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_CONTACT_DISTRIBUTE | Ensures that the indicated contact interfaces are distributed across all processors, which can lead to better load balance for large contact interfaces. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_CONTACT_ISOLATE | Ensures that the indicated contact interferences are isolated on a single processor, which can lead to decreased communication. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_FILE | Allow for pre-decomposition and a subsequent run or runs without having to do the decomposition. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_METHOD | Specify the decomposition method to use. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_NUMPROC | Specify the number of processors for decomposition. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_SHOW | Allows display of the final decomposition. |
*CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_TRANSFORMATION | Specifies transformations to apply to modify the decomposition. |
*CONTROL_MPP_IO_LSTC_REDUCE | Controls the decomposition of the model for solving in multiple CPU's. |
*CONTROL_MPP_IO_NOD3DUMP | Suppress the output of all dump files. |
*CONTROL_MPP_IO_NODUMP | Suppresses the output of all dump files and full deck restart files. |
*CONTROL_MPP_IO_NOFULL | Suppresses the output of the full deck restart files. |
*CONTROL_MPP_IO_SWAPBYTES | Swap bytes on some of the output files. |
*CONTROL_OUTPUT | Set miscellaneous output parameters. |
*CONTROL_PARALLEL | Control parallel processing usage for shared memory computers by defining the number of processors invoking the optional consistency of the global vector assembly. |
*CONTROL_REMESHING | Provide control over the remeshing of solids which are meshed with the solid tetrahedron element type 13. |
*CONTROL_RIGID | Special control options related to rigid bodies and the rigid-flexible bodies. |
*CONTROL_SHELL | Provide controls for computing shell response. |
*CONTROL_SOLID | Provide controls for solid element response. |
*CONTROL_SOLUTION | Specify the analysis solution procedure if thermal only or coupled thermal analysis is performed. |
*CONTROL_SPH | Provide controls for computing SPH particles. |
*CONTROL_SPOTWELD_BEAM | Provides factors for scaling the failure force resultants of beam spot welds as a function of their parametric location on the contact segment and the size of the segment. |
*CONTROL_STRUCTURED | Write out a LS-DYNA structured input deck for version 970. |
*CONTROL_STRUCTURED_TERM | Write out a LS-DYNA structured input deck for version 970. Termination will occur after the structured input file is written. |
*CONTROL_SUBCYCLE | Control time step subcycling. |
*CONTROL_TERMINATION | Stop the job. |
*CONTROL_THERMAL_NONLINEAR | Set parameters for a nonlinear thermal or coupled structural/thermal analysis. |
*CONTROL_THERMAL_SOLVER | Set options for the thermal solution in a thermal only or coupled structural-thermal analysis. |
*CONTROL_THERMAL_TIMESTEP | Set time step controls for the thermal solution in a thermal only or a coupled structural/thermal analysis. |
*CONTROL_TIMESTEP | Set structural time step size control using different options. |
*DAMPING_FREQUENCY_RANGE | Provides approximately constant damping over a range of frequencies. |
*DAMPING_GLOBAL | Define mass weighted nodal damping that applies globally to the nodes of deformable bodies and to the mass center of rigid bodies. |
*DATABASE_ABSTAT | Specify time interval and file type for Airbag statistics time history file output. |
*DATABASE_AVSFLT | Specify time interval for AVS database output. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_D3PART | Dt for partial output states. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT | Dt for complete output states. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_D3DRLF | Dynamic relaxation database. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_D3THDT | Dt for time history data of element subsets. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_D3DUMP | Binary output restart files. Define output frequency in cycles. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_FSIFOR | ALE interface force database |
*DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR | Dt for output of contact interface data. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_RUNRSF | Binary output restart file. Define output frequency in cycles. |
*DATABASE_BINARY_XTFILE | Flag to specify output of extra time history data to XTFILE at same time as D3THDT file. |
*DATABASE_BNDOUT | Specify time interval and file type for Boundary condition forces and energy time history file output. |
*DATABASE_DEFGEO | Specify time interval deformed geometry file output. |
*DATABASE_DEFORC | Specify time interval and file type for discrete element forces time history file output. |
*DATABASE_ELOUT | Specify time interval and file type for element data time history file output. |
*DATABASE_EXTENT_AVS | Specify output database to be written. |
*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY | Specify output database to be written. |
*DATABASE_EXTENT_D3PART | Controls, to some extent, the content of specific output databases. |
*DATABASE_EXTENT_MOVIE | Specify output database to be written. |
*DATABASE_GCEOUT | Specify time interval and file type for Geometric contact entities force time history file output |
*DATABASE_GLSTAT | Specify time interval and file type for global model data time history file output. |
*DATABASE_JNTFORC | Specify time interval and file type for joint force time history file output |
*DATABASE_MASSOUT | Export nodal masses into ASCII file MASSOUT. |
*DATABASE_MATSUM | Specify time interval and file type for material energies time history file output |
*DATABASE_MOVIE | Specify time interval for movie output |
*DATABASE_MPGS | Specify time interval for MPGS |
*DATABASE_NCFORC | Specify time interval and file type for nodal interface forces time history file output |
*DATABASE_NODFOR | Specify time interval and file type for nodal force groups time history file output |
*DATABASE_NODOUT | Specify time interval and file type for nodal point data time history file output |
*DATABASE_OPTION | Control cards for all ASCII output |
*DATABASE_RBDOUT | Specify time interval and file type for rigid body data time history file output. |
*DATABASE_RCFORC | Specify time interval and file type for resultant interface forces time history file output. |
*DATABASE_RWFORC | Specify time interval and file type for rigid wall forces time history file output. |
*DATABASE_SBTOUT | Specify time interval and file type for Seat belt time history file output. |
*DATABASE_SECFORC | Specify time interval and file type for cross section forces time history file output |
*DATABASE_SLEOUT | Specify time interval and file type for sliding interface energy time history file output |
*DATABASE_SPCFORC | Specify time interval and file type for SPC reaction forces time history file output |
*DATABASE_SPHOUT | Specify time interval and file type for SPH element data time history file output |
*DATABASE_SPRING_FORWARD | Create spring forward nodal force file. |
*DATABASE_SSSTAT | Specify time interval and file type for Subsystem data time history file output |
*DATABASE_SUPERPLASTIC_FORMING | Specify the output intervals to the superelastic forming output files. |
*DATABASE_SWFORC | Specify time interval and file type for nodal constraint reaction forces time history file output |
Specify time interval and file type for thermal time history file output. Thermal output from a coupled structural/thermal or thermal only analysis. |
*DATABASE_TRACER | Tracer particles will save a history of either a material point or a spatial point into an ASCII file, TRHIST. |
*DATABASE_TRHIST | Tracer particle history information |
*INTERFACE_COMPENSATION_NEW | Calculate the deviation of the part from its intended design of the stamped part and automatically compensate the tool to minimize the deviation, modify the trimming curve after the die modification, and automatically detect the undercut problem |
*STRESS_INITIALIZATION | Allows all or selected parts to be initialized on restart, using data from the d3dump or runrsf database. |
*STRESS_INITIALIZATION_DISCRETE | Initializes all discrete parts from the old parts. |
*STRESS_INITIALIZATION_SEATBELT | Initializes all seatbelt parts from the old parts. |
Card | Description |
ACMODL | Defines modeling parameters for the interface between the fluid and the structure. |
AERO | Gives basic aerodynamic parameters for unsteady aerodynamics. |
AEROS | Defines basic parameters for static aeroelasticity. |
AUTOSPC | Constrains stiffness singularities via m-sets or s-sets. |
B2GG | Selects direct input damping matrix or matrices. |
B2PP | Selects direct input damping matrix or matrices. |
BEGIN BULK | Designates the end of the Case Control Section and/or the beginning of a Bulk
Data Section. Note: When the model is created from HyperMesh, this card is on by default.
Note: On import, all unsupported bulk data will be written into this card. You can
edit the card.
Note: If CEND and SUBCASE exist, on import, all unsupported cards between CEND and
the first SUBCASE will be written into this card. You can edit the card. If
SUBCASE does not exist and BEGIN BULK exists, all unsupported cards between CEND
and BEGIN BULK will be written into this card.
Note: When the model is created from HyperMesh, this
card is on by default.
DIAG | Requests diagnostic output or special options. |
ECHO | Bulk Data Echo Request |
ENDDATA | Designates the end of the Bulk Data Section. Note: When the model is created
from HyperMesh, this card is on by default.
Note: If CEND exists in the imported deck, on import, all unsupported cards before
CEND will be written into this card. You can edit the card. If CEND does not
exist, on import, all unsupported cards before BEGIN BULK will be written into
this card.
ERP | Equivalent Radiated Power Panel Participation Factor Output Request |
FLSPOUT | Control for fluid-structure mode participation output. |
FLUX | Request gradient and flux output for all heat transfer analysis subcases or individual heat transfer analysis subcases respectively. |
GRDSET | Defines default options for fields 3, 7, 8, and 9 of all GRID entries |
IC | |
ID | Specifies a comment. |
INCLUDE_BULK | Inserts an external file into the input file |
INCLUDE_CTRL | Inserts an external file into the input file |
INCLUDE_EXEC | Inserts an external file into the input file |
K2GG | |
K2PP | Selects direct input stiffness matrices, which are not included in normal modes |
M2GG | Selects direct input mass matrix or matrices. |
MAXLINES | Sets the maximum number of output lines. Note: The maximum number of lines is
999999999 (Nastran default).
MONITOR_POINTS | Defines an integrated load monitor point. |
NLMOPTS | Specifies nonlinear material optional schemes in SOL 400. Extends to material options, property options including property mapping, boundary condition options. |
Note: By selecting this control card, you are forcing HyperMesh to not write BEGIN BULK CARD.
Note: By selecting this control card, you are forcing HyperMesh to not write the CEND card.
Note: By selecting this card, you are forcing HyperMesh to not write the END_BULK card.
P2G | Selects direct input load matrices. |
PARAM | Specifies values for parameters. Note: On import, all unsupported PARAM cards
are written into the UNSUPPORTED PARAMS block within PARAM CARD in the Control
Cards panel. You can edit this data block.
PRESSURE | Pressure output request |
RADSET | Specifies which radiation cavities are to be included for radiation enclosure analysis. |
RESTART | Requests that data stored in a previous run be used in the current run. |
RESVEC | Controls residual vectors |
RIGID | Rigid Element Method |
SET CARD | Defines a set of element or grid point numbers to be plotted. Note: Only real
number sets can be created using control cards.
SOL | Specifies the solution sequence or main subDMAP to be executed. |
SUBTITLE | Defines a subtitle that will appear on the second heading line of each page of printer output. |
SWLDPRM | Overrides default values of parameters for CFAST, CWELD, and CSEAM connectivity search. |
TIME | Sets the maximum CPU and I/O time. |
TITLE | Defines a character string that will appear on the first heading line of each page of NX Nastran printer output. |
TSTEPNL | Defines parameters for geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis strategy. |
Card | Description |
ACCELERATION | Requests acceleration vector output for all subcases
or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
ACMODL | Defines model parameters for the fluid-structure
interface. Note: Bulk Data Entry
ANALYSIS | Used in the I/O Options section to request that only
a finite element analysis be performed (optimization input is ignored). It may also
be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to identify the solution
sequence for all subcases or for individual subcases, respectively. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
ASSIGN | Used in the I/O Options section to identify external files
and their contents. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
AUTOSPC | Used to automatically constrain stiffness singularities
and near singularities with single point constraints. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
B2GG | Selects a direct input viscous damping matrix.
Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors. |
Note: If a line (not a continuation line) occurs after the BEGIN BULK statement in
an input file and starts with a keyword that is not recognized or supported,
then the entire card gets written to BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS.
It is also possible to manually define an unsupported OptiStruct card using the BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS. BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS are exported near the bottom of the exported OptiStruct input file, just before the ENDDATA statement. |
CFAILURE | Requests failure index output for elements referencing
properties for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. CFAILURE is supported for static analysis only. |
CHECK | Requests that only a model check be performed. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CMDE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within a
SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis damping
energy output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CMKE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within a
SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis kinetic
energy output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CMSE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within a
SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis strain
energy output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CONTF | Requests contact results output for all Nonlinear Analysis
subcases or individual nonlinear analysis subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CONTPRM | Defines the default properties of all contacts and sets
parameters that affect all contacts. The default values set here can be overridden
by values explicitly specified on PCONT,
PCONTX, and CONTACT cards. Note: Bulk Data Entry
CSTRAIN | Requests ply strain output for elements referencing
properties for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
CSTRESS | Requests ply stress output for elements referencing
properties for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Note: If a line (not a continuation line) occurs before the BEGIN BULK statement
and before the first SUBCASE statement and starts with a keyword that is not
recognized or supported, then the entire card gets written to
It is also possible to manually define data cards appearing above the first SUBCASE statement using the CTRL_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS. CTRL_UNSUPPORTED_CARDS are exported near the top of the exported OptiStruct input file, just before the first SUBCASE statement. |
DAMAGE | Requests fatigue damage results output for all fatigue
subcases or individual fatigue subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DEBUG | Supports internal issues for debugging purposes in Engineering Solutions. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Some special or custom features can be accessed through the use of 'debug, <string>, <real>' statements. |
DENSITY | Requests density output for a topology
optimization. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DENSRES | Controls the frequency of output of design results
(density, shape, or thickness). Note: I/O Options Entry
DESHIS | Controls the creation of the optimization history file
.hgdata. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DESVARG | Defines an override for design variable
settings. Note: Bulk Data Entry
DGLOBAL | Defines input parameters required for the Global Search
Option (GSO). Note: Bulk Data Entry
DISPLACEMENT | Requests displacement vector output for all subcases
or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DMIGNAME | Defines the name given to the reduced matrices written
to an external data file. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DMIGROT | Controls rotation and other specifications for a matrix entered using DMIG entry |
DSA | Requests Design Sensitivity Analysis results in a Frequency
Response Analysis. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
DTI_UNITS | Defines units for multibody, component mode synthesis
(flexible-body preparation), and geometric nonlinear solution sequences. Note: Bulk Data Entry
ECHO | Outputs the interpreted forms of Subcase Information and
Bulk Data Entries to the .out file. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
EDE | Requests element energy loss per cycle and element energy
loss per cycle density output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
EIGVNAME | Defines the prefix to be used for external eigenvalue
data files (.eigv). Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
EKE | Requests kinetic energy and kinetic energy density output for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
ELFORCE | Requests structural element force output and elemental
fluid particle velocity output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
ENERGY | Requests energy output for all geometric nonlinear
analysis subcases or individual geometric nonlinear analysis subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
ERP | Requests equivalent radiated power output for all subcases or
individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
ESE | Requests strain energy and strain energy density output for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
FLUX | Requests temperature gradient and flux output for all
steady-state heat transfer analysis subcases, transient heat transfer analysis
subcases or individual heat transfer analysis subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
FORMAT | Indicates the format in which results are to be
output. Note: I/O Options Entry
Formats are: H3D (default), HM, FLX, OPTI, OUTPUT2, PUNCH, PATRAN, APATRAN, NONE. |
FOS | Requests fatigue factor of safety, hydrostatic pressure, and
shear stress output for all fatigue subcases or individual fatigue
subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
GAPPRM | Defines parameters that control connectivity and
configuration checks for gap elements (CGAP and
CGAPG). Most of these parameters also affect contact elements
that are automatically created on CONTACT interfaces. Note: Bulk Data Entry
GLOBAL_CASE_CONTROL | Handles the data selectors FREQ, METHOD, MPC, SDAMPING and SPC appearing
above the first SUBCASE statement. It also handles the data selector DESVAR, used to select a set of design variables for use in an optimization run. It also handles the output control OMODES, used to define a set of modes for output requests. Note: This control card OMODES is also supported as an output option on the
subcase definition when it appears within a subcase.
GPFORCE | Requests grid point force balance output for all subcases
or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
GPSTRAIN | Requests grid point strain output for all or individual
subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
GPSTRESS | Requests grid point stresses output for all subcases or
individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
GRDSET | Defines default options for fields 3, 7, and 8 of all
GRID entries. Note: Bulk Data Entry
HISOUT | Controls the amount of data printed to the
.hgdata file. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Note: This control card is retained to support old database files.
Note: This control card is retained to support old database files.
INFILE | Identifies the file containing the Bulk Data
Entries. Note: I/O Options Entry
Its extension must be .fem. |
K2GG | Selects a direct input stiffness matrix. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors |
K2PP | Selects a direct input stiffness matrix, which is not
included in normal modes. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors |
K42GG | Selects a direct input stiffness matrix. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors |
LIFE | Requests output of fatigue life results for all fatigue
subcases or individual fatigue subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
LOADLIB | Defines the external libraries and external files to be
loaded into OptiStruct. External functions can be
implemented within dynamic libraries (.dll) under Windows,
shared libraries (.so) under Linux,
by using HyperMath (.hml) on
Windows and Linux, and external files by using Microsoft
Excel (.xls or .xlsx) on
Windows. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
M2GG | Selects a direct input mass matrix. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors |
MBFORCE | Requests force output for a set of joints and/or force
elements from multibody dynamics subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
MODALDE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE
definition to request modal damping energy (the energy loss per cycle) output for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note that this modal damping
energy only includes the energy contribution from viscous dampers. Structural
damping and modal damping are not included. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
MODALKE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within
a SUBCASE definition to request modal kinetic energy output for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
MODALSE | Used above the first SUBCASE or within
a SUBCASE definition to request modal strain energy output for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
MODEL | Requests output of only a subset of the model and related
results for H3D and OUTPUT results files as
well as for CMS superelements. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
This option is intended for multi-body dynamics and transient solution sequences with which users often require results for only a subsection of a model, but it is applied to all solution sequences. |
Model Documentation |
Note: $HMBEGINDOC and $HMENDDOC indicate a section of comment cards which are
supported on import and export. The comments are stored on control card Model
This information is exported at the top of the exported OptiStruct input file. |
MODOUT | Options for displacement and energy results, based on
eigenvectors from PFMODE modal participation.Note: Bulk Data Entry
MPCFORCE | Requests multi-point force of constraint vector is
output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
MSGLMT | Limits the number of ERROR, WARNING and INFORMATION
messages output, or to elevate a WARNING or INFORMATION message to an
ERROR. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
NLLOAD | Used to request nonlinear load output for Transient
Response Analysis for each time step for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
OFREQUENCY | Requests a set of frequencies for output requests for
all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
OLOAD | Requests the form of applied load vector output and
temperature load output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
Note: Some special diagnostic information can be processed through the use of
'osdiag, <integer>, <integer>, <real>, <real>' statements.
OTIME | Requests a set of times for output requests for Transient
Analysis for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
OUTFILE | Defines the prefix for the results files
output. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
OUTPUT | Controls the format of results output and the creation of
certain results files. Note: I/O Options Entry
P2G | Used before the first subcase to select a direct input
load matrix. Note: Subcase Information Entry
Global matrix selectors |
PARAM | Defines values for parameters used during analysis and
optimization. Note: Bulk Data Entry
If an unsupported argument is encountered on importing a PARAM card, the data is stored as UNSUPPORTED_PARAMS on the PARAM card. It is also possible to create an unsupported PARAM card using the UNSUPPORTED_PARAMS option. |
PEAKOUT | Defines criteria used for the automatic identification of
loading frequencies at which result peaks occur. Other result output may then be
requested at these "peak" loading frequencies. This feature is only supported for
frequency response solution sequences. Note: Bulk Data Entry
PFGRID | Requests output of acoustic grid participation factors for
all Modal Frequency Response subcases. The output will be in the
.h3d file. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
PFMODE | Requests output of modal participation factors for all
modal frequency response subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
PFPANEL | Requests output of acoustic panel participation factors
for all Modal Frequency Response subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
POWERFLOW | Requests output of the power flow field. Note: I/O Options Entry
PRESSURE | Requests the output of pressure results. Analogous to
the DISPLACEMENT command. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
PRETBOLT | Requests output of pretension force/adjustment values in
the pretension bolts for all pretensioning and pretensioned subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
PROPERTY | Requests the output of the property definitions used in
the final iteration of an optimization. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
REQUEST | Selects a multibody request definition to be used in a
multibody problem. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
RESPRINT | Rorces all unretained responses of a certain type to be
printed to the output file, provided they are referenced either as an objective or a
constraint. This also applies to manufacturing constraints for composites. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
RESTART | Indicates that the current optimization is to be
restarted from the final iteration of a previous optimization. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
RESULTS | Determines the frequency of output of analysis results
for all subcases or for individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options Entry
SACCELERATION | Requests the form and type of modal participation
accelerations output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
SCREEN | Controls the output of model, analysis, and optimization
information to the UNIX or DOS shell. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SDISPLACEMENT | Requests the form and type of modal participation
displacements output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
SENSITIVITY | Requests the output of the responses and
sensitivities for size and shape design variables to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SENSOUT | Controls the frequency of output of responses and
sensitivities for size and shape design variables to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SHAPE | Requests altered shape output for a shape
optimization. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SHRES | Controls the frequency of output of the state files
( file and the .#.grid
file). Note: I/O Options Entry
SINTENS | Used in the I/O Options section to request Sound
Intensity output for all frequency response subcases. The SINTENS
command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request
Sound Intensity output for all subcases or individual subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SPCFORCE | Requests single-point force of constraint vector output
for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: SPCFORCE
I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
SPL | Requests Sound Pressure output for all subcases or individual
subcases, respectively. SPL can only be requested for frequency
response subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
SPOWER | Requests Sound Power output for all subcases or individual
subcases, respectively. SPOWER can only be requested for
frequency response subcases. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
STRAIN | Requests strain output for all subcases or individual
subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
STRESS | Requests stress output for all subcases or individual
subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
SUBTITLE | Defines the subtitle for all subcases or for individual
subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Individual subcases may have their own SUBTITLE definitions which are supported on the subcase definition. These will override the default subtitle. |
SVELOCITY | Requests the form and type of modal participation
velocities output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
SWLDPRM | Defines values of parameters used during the
CWELD and CSEAM connectivity
search. Note: Bulk Data Entry
SYSSETTING | Alters system settings. Any setting defined here may
be over-ridden by command line arguments (Run Options). Most of these options can
also be specified in one of the config files (Configuration File). Note: I/O Options Entry
THERMAL | Requests temperature output for all heat transfer
analysis subcases or individual heat transfer analysis subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
THICKNESS | Requests thickness output for elements referencing a
properties in size/free-size optimization and analysis runs. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
THIN | Requests thinning and thickness output for all geometric
nonlinear analysis subcases or individual geometric nonlinear analysis subcases,
respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
TITLE | Defines the title for the OptiStruct job. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
TMPDIR | Chooses the directory in which the scratch files are to be
written. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
OptiStruct allows multiple TMPDIR entries, but only one instance is currently supported. |
UNITS | Defines a system of units for the model. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
VELOCITY | Requests velocity vector output for all subcases or
individual subcases, respectively. Note: I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry
Found under GLOBAL_OUPUT_REQUEST. Supported as an output option on the subcase definition when it appears within a subcase. |
XSHLPRM | Defines default shell element parameters for geometric
nonlinear analysis. Note: Bulk Data Entry
XSOLPRM | Defines default SOLID properties for
geometric nonlinear analysis. Note: Bulk Data Entry
Card | Description |
AIRBAGCHECK | Airbag check option (Prime Control keywords) AIRBAGCHECK is executed by default to check the airbag’s closed volume. |
ANALYSIS | Analysis definition (Prime Control keywords) If AUTOSLEEP is not present inside the input file or AUTOSLEEP is not set to YES, the solver stops if the license tokens are not available at the beginning of the computation. |
AUTOSLEEP | Autosleep option (Prime Control keywords) |
CCTRL / | Contact Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
CKCTRL/ | Check Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
COUPLING | Coupling (Optional Control keywords) |
DATACHECK | Data Check option (Prime Control keywords) |
DCOMP | DMP Domain Decomposition Method option (Prime Control keywords) |
DEBUG | Debug option (Prime Control keywords) |
DRAPP | Draping Database Path Name Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
DRAPF / | Import Composite Layer Draping File Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
ECTRL / | Element Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
EIGEN / | Eigenmode Extraction and Damping Matrix Generation Analyses (Standard Control keywords) |
EOCTRL/ | ERF Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
ENDDATA | End of Data option (General Model setup) Note: Cards after the ENDDATA card
are ignored. This card is not created during FE input process, but it will be
exported automatically.
FILE | File Root Name option (Prime Control keywords) |
FPCTRL/ | FPM Control Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
HEAT / | Heat Analysis Control (Standard Control keywords) |
ICTRL / | Implicit General Control Cards Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
INPUTVERSION | Input Version Definition (Prime Control keywords) |
MAXMEMORY | Maximum Memory Check option (Prime Control keywords) |
MERGEGAP | Common Node Merge option (Prime Control keywords) |
METRIC/ | Metric Input Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
METRICCHECK | Metric Check option (Prime Control keywords) |
MSTRM / | Mass Trimming Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
OCTRL / | Output Parameters Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
ORTHF / | Import Element Orientation Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
ORTHP | Element Orientation File Path Name Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
PFLOW / | Porous Flow Analysis Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
PIPE | Process Independent Parallel Execution (PIPE) option (Optional Control keywords) |
PRCTRL/ | Print Control Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
PROFILE_DMP | DMP Profile Guided Domain Decomposition option (Prime Control keywords) |
LCTRL / | Load Control Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
MCTRL / | Metric Control Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
RESTARTFILES | Cyclic Restart File option (Prime Control keywords) |
RUNEND/ | End of Run Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
SHELLCHECK | Shell Element Data Check option (Prime Control keywords) |
SIGNAL | Job Signal option (Prime Control keywords) |
SOLIDCHECK | Solid Element Data Check option (Prime Control keywords) |
SOLVER | Solver Selection option (Prime Control keywords) |
SPCTRL/ | Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Control Cards (Standard Control keywords) |
STOPRUN | Stop Run option (Prime Control keywords) |
SUBRUN | Substructure Run option (Prime Control keywords) |
TCTRL / | Time Step Definition (Standard Control keywords) |
TITLE / | Title Card or Header on Output Listing Card (Standard Control keywords) |
UNIT | Unit System Definition (Prime Control keywords) |
SECURE_NODE_VISU | Secured Nodes Visualization option (PAMCOMFORT) (Optional Control keywords) |
$HMUNSUPPORTED CARDS | Unsupported cards Note: All unsupported information found in the input deck is
imported in this card. You can edit this card.
Imported model documentation Note: The input deck can contain model
documentation text that is imported and exported via the comment lines. For
decks not written by HyperMesh, all comment lines before the first non-comment
line are treated as model documentation. For decks written by HyperMesh, the
documentation lines must be placed in a block that begins with the line
$HMBEGINDOC and ends with the line $HMENDDOC. This card is always overwritten by
the current model documentation.
Model documentation Note: This card is not created during FE input process.
You can create this card, but once this card is defined, only this will be
exported. You can access macros from the PAM-CRASH solver interface to append or
overwrite the information from Imported Model Documentation to this
Card | Description |
CONTLOCK | Lock contact regions according to the contact results of a reference situation. |
EXTERNAL | The degrees of freedom given on the header line are declared as external degrees of freedom for all nodes listed within the data block. |
PARAMETER | Definition of parameter values which are valid only within current system
variant. Note: This option is available in the SYSTEM card as a separate
SUBCOMP | Insertion of subcomponent name into current component and declaration of corresponding nodal points or node sets. |
SUBVAR | Selection of system variants of direct subcomponents. Note: This option is
available in the SYSTEM card as a separate checkbox.
$COMPONENT | Component input bracket header line. |
$ECHO | Controls the echo print of Permas data input lines. |
$MODDAMP | Definition of viscous or structural modal damping. Note: This option is
available in the SYSTEM card as a separate checkbox.
$SYSTEM | Opens the bracket for input of system data. |
Card | Description |
/@TFILE | The time at which the time history file begins. Note: Engine Keyword
/@TFILE/Keyword2 | The time at which the time history file
begins. Note: Engine Keyword
/ABF | Describes the output of .abf files.
(.abf [binary] files are optimized for fast plotting of very
large data sets and is intended for creating 2D and 3D plots using HyperGraph and HyperGraph
3D). Note: Engine Keyword
/ADMESH/GLOBAL | Defines the global parameters for adaptive
meshing. This keyword is not available for SPMD computation. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALE | Sets parameters for DONEA grid velocity formulation of
ALE. Note: Engine Keyword
/ALE/2 | Sets parameters for Radioss grid
velocity formulation for ALE. Note: Engine Keyword
/ALE/3 | When this keyword is used instead of /ALE
or /ALE/2, no grid calculation is performed. Grid does not move,
unless constrained otherwise. Note: Engine Keyword
/ALE/4 | Sets the Radioss standard
formulation. Note: Engine Keyword
/ALE/GRID/DISP | The displacement of a grid node depends on the
displacements of the neighboring grid nodes. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALE/GRID/DONEA | Velocity of a given grid node depends on
velocity and displacements of neighboring grid nodes. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALE/GRID/SPRING | Grid nodes are connected with nonlinear
springs (those springs have no effect on the material, only on the movement of the
grid). Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALE/GRID/STANDARD | Describes the standard formulation for ALE
grid velocity computation. It is an improved /ALE/GRID/SPRING
formulation based on edge springs and anti-shear springs. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALE/GRID/ZERO | Describes the Euler formulation. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ALESUB | Subcycling on Lagrangian parts. Note: Engine Keyword
/AMS | Describes the part group on which the advanced mass
scaling is applied. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ANALY | Defines the type of analysis and sets analysis
flags. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ANIM | Generates animation files containing results according to the
keywords specified. The keywords are specified in the topics within Animation and
Post-processing Output Files. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/BRICK/TENS | Generates animation files containing tensor data
(mean value or value in specified integration point) for brick elements, in global
coordinate system. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/BRICK/TENS/STRAIN | Generates animation files containing strain
tensor for a specified integration point of a solid, in global coordinate
system. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/BRICK/TENS/STRESS | Generates animation files containing stress
tensor for a specified integration point of a solid, in global coordinate
system. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/CUT/1 | Defines a section cut on a deformed geometry. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/CUT/2 | Defines a section cut on the initial geometry. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/CUT/3 | Defines a section cut on a deformed geometry using three
nodes. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/DT | Write animation files (A-files) at a time frequency equal to
Tfreq, the first file being
written at time T.
The animation file name will be RunnameAnnn, where
Runname is the Run Name and nnn is the
file number. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/Eltyp/FORC | Generates animation files containing force and
moment data for the specified element type. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/Eltyp/Restype | Generates animation files containing element data
for the specified result. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/GPS1 | Generates animation files containing simple average GPS
data. The average value at node is calculated by the mean stress of all elements,
which are connected to this node. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/GPS2 | Generates animation files containing volume based averaged
GPS data, which is done by the relative element volumes (connected to same node use
Vi/V_total). Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/GZIP | Generates animation files in GZIP format. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/KEEPD | In animation files, keep deleted elements in their
original part; otherwise group all deleted elements in an extra part (named "deleted
elements"). Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/LSENSOR | Write additional animation files (Animation Output File
(A-File)) at a time frequency equal to
Tfreq, the first file being
written at sensor activation time. The sensor activation time is given by the sensor
property set sens_IDN. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/MASS | Generates animation files containing nodal
masses. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/MAT | Generates animation files with one part for each
material. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/NODA | Generates animation files containing nodal scalar
data. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SENSOR | Write additional animation files (Animation Output File
(A-File)) with a time frequency equal to
Tfreq, the first file being
written once sensor activated. (The activation of sensor will be defined in
/SENSOR). Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SHELL/EPSP | Generates animation files containing plastic strain
as function of a shell element integration point. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SHELL/PHI/ALL | Animation output of the angle between the element
skew and direction 1 orthotropy for all layers. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SHELL/PHI/N | Animation output of the angle between the element
skew and direction 1 orthotropy for layer N. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SHELL/TENS | Generates animation files containing shell tensor
data for a specified result. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/SHELL/USRi | Generates animation files containing shell element
data for variables of user law on each integration point. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/VECT | Generates animation files containing vectorial data for
the specified variable. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/VECT/FREAC | Generates animation files containing vectorial data
for reaction forces of imposed velocities, displacements, accelerations and boundary
conditions. Note: Engine Keyword
/ANIM/VERS | Generates animation files in Radioss environment post-processing formats 41 and
44. Note: Engine Keyword
/ARCH | Describes the architecture flag. Note: Block Format Keyword
/ATFILE | Defines the frequency of writing additional time history file
of T-file "RunnameTnnx". Note: Engine Keyword
/BCS/ALE | Given node numbers will be constrained in specified
directions X, Y or Z for grid DOF: Ω = 0. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCS/LAG | Given node numbers will be lagrangian in specified
directions X, Y or Z: V = W. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCS/ROT | Given node numbers will be constrained in specified
directions X, Y or Z for rotational DOF: Ω = 0. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCS/TRA | Given node numbers will be constrained in specified
directions X, Y or Z for material translational DOF: V = 0. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCSR/ALE | Given node numbers will be released in specified directions
X, Y or Z for grid DOF. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCSR/LAG | Given node numbers will no longer be lagrangian in
specified directions X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCSR/ROT | Given node numbers will be released in specified directions
X, Y or Z for material translational DOF. Note: Engine Keyword
/BCSR/TRA | Given node numbers will be released in specified directions
X, Y or Z for material translational DOF. Note: Engine Keyword
/BEGIN | Sets the run name, the version of the input manual, the
number of starter run and input and work unit systems. Note: Block Format Keyword
/CAA | Describes the computation Aero-Acoustic formulation for
Eulerian or quasi-Eulerian simulations. Internal forces are computed with finite
volume formulation. It improves results for under integrated elements. By default
artificial viscosity is canceled, (qa,qb) default values are zero. Note: Block Format Keyword
/DAMP | Defines the Rayleigh mass and stiffness damping
coefficients applied to a set of nodes. The damping can be applied to any nodal DOF
either in local or global coordinate system. Note: Block Format Keyword
/DEF_SHELL | Sets default values for certain parameters in shell
property (/PROP/SHELL). Note: Block Format Keyword
/DEF_SOLID | Sets default values for certain parameters in solid
property (/PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID) and /PROP/TYPE20
(TSHELL)). Note: Block Format Keyword
/DEL | Delete element numbers N1, N2, . . .,
NN. Note: Engine Keyword
/DEL/Eltyp/1 | Delete element numbers N1first to
N1last, . . ., NIfirst to
NIlast. Note: Engine Keyword
/DEL/INTER | Delete interface numbers N1, N2, . .
., NN. Note: Engine Keyword
/DELINT | If a slave node is only connected to 2D solid elements that
are all deleted, the node is deactivated from the interface. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT | Time step defaults for all elements. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/AMS | Elementary time step for Advanced Mass Scaling. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/Eltyp/Iflag | Time step for select entities. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/Eltyp/Keyword3/Iflag | Element time step control. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/NODA/Keyword3 | Nodal time step control. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/SHELL | The time step for shell elements using
/DT1 is lower but more accurate. Otherwise, this option is
identical to /DT1/SHELL. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/SHNOD or /DT/SHNOD/CST | Time step for shells. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/SPHCEL | Generates the SPH cells time step. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/SPHCEL/Keyword3 | Generates the SPH cells time step control
type. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT/THERM | Time step for thermal modeling. Note: Engine Keyword
/DT1/SHELL | The time step for shell elements using
/DT1 is lower, but more accurate. Otherwise, this option is
identical to /DT/SHELL. Note: Engine Keyword
/DTIX | Sets initial and maximum time step for this run. Note: Engine Keyword
/DTSDE | The time step for degenerated or PENTA6 solid elements using
this option is higher (almost factor 2). Note: Engine Keyword
/DYREL | Dynamic relaxation. Note: Engine Keyword
/DYREL/1 | Dynamic relaxation applied to node group identifier grnd_ID. Note: Engine Keyword
/END/ENGINE | This keyword has to be set at the end of the Engine input
deck when using Single File Input. Note: Engine Keyword
/FVMBAG/MODIF | Activates FVM airbag merging parameter modifications in
Engine file. Note: Engine Keyword
/FXINP | Generates input files for flexible bodies from eigenmodes and
static modes computation. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL | Keywords used for implicit solution. Different implicit solver
methods (linear, nonlinear, buckling or quasi-static), different options to control
the implicit computation, different implicit time step method and implicit output
messages are introduced. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/AUTOSPC | A zero stiffness DOF will be constrained
automatically. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/BUCKL/1 | Euler buckling modes will be computed. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/BUCKL/2 | Euler buckling modes will be computed based on actual
pre-stress stat. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/CHECK | Implicit model checking will be run. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DIVERG/n | Divergence criterion with successive increasing
residual number for nonlinear analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DT/1 | Implicit time step control method 1. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DT/2 | Implicit automatic time step control method 2. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DT/3 | Implicit automatic time step control with Riks
method. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DT/FIXPOINT | Users' input fix time points where implicit
nonlinear computation will not miss with automatic time step control. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DT/STOP | The computation will be stopped, if
DT_min is reached. If DT_max is reached, the
computation will continue with constant time step set as
DT_max. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DTINI | Initial time step for nonlinear implicit
analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DYNA/1 | Describes the implicit dynamics with α-HHT
method. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DYNA/2 | Describes the implicit dynamics with a general Newmark
method. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DYNA/DAMP | Rayleigh structure damping with dynamic implicit
analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/DYNA/FSI | Defines the settings for Fluid Structure Interaction
Analysis with AcuSolve. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/GSTIF/OFF | Geometrical stiffness matrix will not be used for
implicit nonlinear calculation. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/INTER/KCOMP | Describes the stiffness matrix; due to contact
interfaces will be assembled completely. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/INTER/KNONL | Defines including some contact nonlinearities in
PCG linear solver. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LBFGS/L | Change the maximum number of BFGS quasi-Newton method
for implicit nonlinear. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LINEAR | Linear implicit solution will be computed. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LINEAR/INTER | Implicit linear analysis will take into account
contact interfaces. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LRIGROT | Due to some linearization used in geometrical nonlinear
analysis, small time step has to be chosen to avoid accumulated errors under large
rotation. In this case, this option improves the accuracy using usual time
step. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LSEARCH/n | Line search methods for nonlinear analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/LSEARCH/OFF | Deactivating line search for nonlinear
analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/MONVOL/OFF | Describes the stiffness of gas in monitored volume
type 3 (tire modeling). Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/NCYCLE/STOP | The computation will be stopped, if
Ncy_max is reached. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/NONLIN | Nonlinear implicit methods. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/NONLIN/SMDISP | Only small displacement effects will be
considered with this option. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/PREPAT | Describes the implicit option for
pre-conditioning. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/PRINT/LINEAR | Printout frequency for linear solvers. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/PRINT/NONLIN | Printout frequency for nonlinear implicit
iterations. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/PSTIF/OFF | Deactivating load (pressure) stiffness
matrix. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/QSTAT | Quasi-static implicit solution will be
computed. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/QSTAT/DTSCAL | Quasi-static implicit solution with a factor for
inertia stiffness matrix. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/RREF/INTERF/n | Different reference force residual computations
used for stop criteria on nonlinear analysis with contact. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/RREF/LIMIT | Define reference force residual limit values used in
stop criteria for implicit nonlinear. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/RREF/OFF | Deactivation reference residual option and using the
previous one in stop criteria for implicit nonlinear analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SBCS/MSGLV | Describes the message level for BCS (Boeing)
solver. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SBCS/ORDER | Reordering method definition for BCS. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SBCS/OUTCORE | BCS solver will use minimum in-core
memory. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SHPOFF | The full projection of QEPH shell element for warped
elements will be deactivated to keep consistency between the stiffness matrix and
the internal force computations. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SHPON | The full projection of QEPH shell element for warped
elements will be activated for stiffness matrix to keep consistency with the
internal force computations. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SINIT | Describes the initial stresses that will be imposed
gradually. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SOLVER | Selects linear solver. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SPRBACK | Implicit spring-back will be run in this
session. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPL/SPRING | Describes the linear or nonlinear stiffness choices for
nonlinear spring in implicit nonlinear analysis. Note: Engine Keyword
/IMPLICIT | Allows different default values which are suitable
for implicit calculations. Note: Block Format Keyword
/INCMP | Quasi-incompressible formulation for fluid material
(compatible with /MAT/LAW6 and
/MAT/LAW11). Note: Engine Keyword
/INISTA | Describes the initial state file. Note: Block Format Keyword
/INIV/AXIS/Keyword3 | Initialize rotational velocity about an axis and
translational velocity. Note: Engine Keyword
/INIV/AXIS/Keyword3/1 | Initialize rotational velocity about an axis
and translational velocity. Note: Engine Keyword
/INIV/ROT | Initialize rotational velocity in the specified direction
X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/INIV/ROT/Keyword3/1 | Initialize rotational velocity in the specified
direction X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/INIV/TRA | Initialize translational velocity in the specified
direction X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/INIV/TRA/Keyword3/1 | Initialize translational velocity in the
specified direction X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/INTER | Describes an interface. Note: Engine Keyword
/IOFLAG | Describes the input-output flags. Note: Block Format Keyword
/KEREL | Kinetic energy relaxation. Note: Engine Keyword
/KEREL/1 | Kinetic energy relaxation applied to node group grnd_ID. Note: Engine Keyword
/KILL | The Engine is stopped if one of the following criteria is
exceeded. Note: Engine Keyword
/MADYMO | Activates MADYMO- Radioss coupling. Note: Engine Keyword
/MEMORY | Describes the memory request. Note: Engine Keyword
/MON | Provides an estimation of the CPU time spent for each
processor. Note: Engine Keyword
/OUTP | Write ASCII formatted output
files. Note: Engine Keyword
/OUTP/LSENSOR | An outp file is written each time
a sensor in the defined list is activated. Note: Engine Keyword
/PARITH | Turns the parallel arithmetic ON/OFF. Note: Engine Keyword
Sets printout frequency for output file. Note: Engine Keyword
/RAD2RAD/ON | To activate Multi-Domain coupling, Radioss Engine Input file must contain the following
directive. Note: Engine Keyword
/RANDOM | Describes the nodal random noise to check stability of
model by introducing random noise on nodal coordinates. Note: Block Format Keyword
/RBODY | Listed rigid bodies will be activated or
deactivated. Note: Engine Keyword
/RERUN | Permits to continue a previous Radioss run. Note: Engine Keyword
/RFILE | Writes a Restart R-File. Note: Engine Keyword
/RFILE/n | Rewrites a Restart R-File. Note: Engine Keyword
/RUN | Identifies the run number. Note: Engine Keyword
/RUN/Run Name/Run Number/Restart Letter | Identifies the run
number. Note: Engine Keyword
/SHSUB | Enables you to activate new sub-cycling option, for which
Isubcycle=2 in
the /ANALY
Radioss Starter option should be specified. Note: Engine Keyword
/SHVER/V51 | The new large rotational body motion formulation for QEPH,
QBAT and DKT18 will be deactivated. Note: Engine Keyword
/SPHGLO | Describes the SPH global parameters. Note: Block Format Keyword
/SPMD | Sets SPMD parameters for Hybrid Massively Parallel
Program (HMPP) computation. Note: Block Format Keyword
/STAMPING | Allows adapting error messages to stamping
applications. Note: Block Format Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/AUX/FULL | Describes the internal variable state for
solid. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/ORTHO | Describes orthotropy direction for orthotropic
solid or thick shells. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/STAIN/FULL | Describes the strain state for
solid. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/STRAIN/GLOBFULL | Describes the strain state for solid in
global reference system. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/STRES/FULL | Describes the stress state for
solid. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/BRICK/STRESS/GLOBFULL | Describes the stress state for solid in
global reference system. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/DT | Writes the state file. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/NODE/TEMP | Describes the temperature for nodes. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/LSENSOR | A state file is written each time a sensor in the
defined list is activated. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/SHELL/AUX/FULL | Describes the internal variable state for
solid. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/SHELL/EPSP/FULL | Describes the Epsilon plastic state for
shell. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/SHELL/ORTHL | Describes the orthotropy direction for
shell. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/SHELL/STRAIN/FULL | Describes the strain state for
shell. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/SHELL/STRESS/FULL | Describes the stress state for
shell. Note: Engine Keyword
/STATE/STR_FILE | When writing the state file,
/INIBRI will be written in a separate file which can be asked
for being compressed (using GZIP) or not. The state file will then resume to the
nodes coordinates and element connectivity. Note: Engine Keyword
/STOP | The Engine is stopped, due to reached energy error ratio
criteria, total mass ratio criteria or nodal mass ratio criteria. Note: Engine Keyword
/TFILE | Defines the frequency of writing the time history file of T-file "RunnameTnn". |
/TH/VERS | Generates the Time History files in Radioss environment post-processing format "Version
Number". Note: Engine Keyword
/TITLE | Input a title. Note: Engine Keyword
/UNIT | Defines a local unit system for the keywords listed
below. Note: Block Format Keyword
/UPWIND | Describes the upwind coefficient. Note: Block Format Keyword
/UPWM/SUPG | Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin formulation. Note: Engine Keyword
/UPWM/TG | Describes the Taylor Galerkin method for momentum advection.
This method is not available with multi-material LAW51
(/MAT/MULTIMAT). Note: Engine Keyword
/VEL/ALE | With ALE links on grid velocities, given nodes are linked to
the given master grid velocities. You can specify direction or a combination of
directions. Note: Engine Keyword
/VEL/ROT | Given node numbers have the same rotational velocity in a
specified direction X, Y or Z. Note: Engine Keyword
/VEL/TRA | Given node numbers have the same velocity in a specified
direction X, Y or Z for material translational DOF. Note: Engine Keyword
/VERS | Identifies the input data version number. Note: Engine Keyword
Card | Description |
BOLT_OUTPUT | Defines the output code definitions for all .BOLT defined in the model. |
UNIT | Defines the unit used to set up the model. Note: This control card is
mandatory when beams are being defined in a model.