A collection of ports.
local app = cf.GetApplication() local project = app:NewProject() -- Construct a port and add it to the collection line = project.Geometry:AddLine(cf.Point(0, 0, 0), cf.Point(1, 1, 1)) port = project.Ports:AddWirePort(line.Wires[1]) -- Obtain a handle to the 'PortCollection' ports = project.Ports -- Print the number of ports in the collection print("Number of ports in the collection is: " .. ports.Count)
Usage locations (collections)
The following objects contain the PortCollection collection:
Property List
Method List
- AddCablePort (harness CableHarness, terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a cable port to the cable harness schematic. (Returns a CablePort object.)
- AddCablePort (table table)
- Create a cable port from a creation table. (Returns a CablePort object.)
- AddEdgeMeshPort (positivefaces List of MeshEntity, negativefaces List of MeshEntity)
- Create a port on an edge between mesh faces. (Returns a EdgeMeshPort object.)
- AddEdgeMeshPort (table table)
- Create a edge mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a EdgeMeshPort object.)
- AddEdgeMeshPortConnectedToGround (faces List of MeshEntity, groundconnection EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Create a port on an edge between mesh faces. (Returns a EdgeMeshPort object.)
- AddEdgePort (positivefaces List of Face, negativefaces List of Face)
- Create a port on an edge between faces. (Returns a EdgePort object.)
- AddEdgePort (table table)
- Create a edge port from a creation table. (Returns a EdgePort object.)
- AddEdgePortConnectedToGround (faces List of Face, groundconnection EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Create a port on an edge between faces. (Returns a EdgePort object.)
- AddFEMLineMeshPort (startvertex MeshVertex, endvertex MeshVertex)
- Create a FEM line port between two mesh vertices. (Returns a FEMLineMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMLineMeshPort (table table)
- Create a FEM line mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a FEMLineMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMLineMeshPortBetweenPoints (start Coordinate, end Coordinate)
- Create a FEM line mesh port between two points. (Returns a FEMLineMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMLinePort (edges List of Edge)
- Create a FEM line port along a list of edges. (Returns a FEMLinePort object.)
- AddFEMLinePort (table table)
- Create a FEM line port from a creation table. (Returns a FEMLinePort object.)
- AddFEMLinePortBetweenPoints (start Coordinate, end Coordinate)
- Create a FEM line port between two points. (Returns a FEMLinePort object.)
- AddFEMModalMeshPort (vertex1 MeshVertex, vertex2 MeshVertex, vertex3 MeshVertex)
- Create a FEM modal port by specifying three mesh vertices. (Returns a FEMModalMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMModalMeshPort (table table)
- Create a FEM model mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a FEMModalMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMModalMeshPortFromPoints (corner1 Coordinate, corner2 Coordinate, corner3 Coordinate)
- Create a FEM modal mesh port by specifying three points. (Returns a FEMModalMeshPort object.)
- AddFEMModalPort (faces List of Face)
- Create a FEM modal port on a list of faces. (Returns a FEMModalPort object.)
- AddFEMModalPort (table table)
- Create a FEM model port from a creation table. (Returns a FEMModalPort object.)
- AddFEMModalPortFromPoints (corner1 Coordinate, corner2 Coordinate, corner3 Coordinate)
- Create a FEM modal port by specifying three points. (Returns a FEMModalPort object.)
- AddMicrostripMeshPort (startvertex MeshVertex, endvertex MeshVertex)
- Create a microstrip port between two mesh vertices. (Returns a MicrostripMeshPort object.)
- AddMicrostripMeshPort (table table)
- Create a microstrip mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a MicrostripMeshPort object.)
- AddMicrostripPort (edges List of Edge)
- Create a microstrip port along a list of edges. (Returns a MicrostripPort object.)
- AddMicrostripPort (table table)
- Create a microstrip port from a creation table. (Returns a MicrostripPort object.)
- AddWaveguideMeshPort (face MeshEntity, referencevector Coordinate)
- Create a waveguide port on a mesh face. (Returns a WaveguideMeshPort object.)
- AddWaveguideMeshPort (table table)
- Create a waveguide mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a WaveguideMeshPort object.)
- AddWaveguidePort (face Face)
- Create a waveguide port on a face. (Returns a WaveguidePort object.)
- AddWaveguidePort (table table)
- Create a waveguide port from a creation table. (Returns a WaveguidePort object.)
- AddWireMeshPort (segment MeshSegment)
- Create a wire port on a mesh segment. (Returns a WireMeshPort object.)
- AddWireMeshPort (segment MeshCurvilinearSegment)
- Create a wire port on a curvilinear mesh segment. (Returns a WireMeshPort object.)
- AddWireMeshPort (table table)
- Create a wire mesh port from a creation table. (Returns a WireMeshPort object.)
- AddWireMeshPortOnVertex (vertex MeshVertex)
- Create a wire port on a mesh vertex. (Returns a WireMeshPort object.)
- AddWirePort (wire Edge)
- Create a port which is a point on a free wire. (Returns a WirePort object.)
- AddWirePort (table table)
- Create a wire port from a creation table. (Returns a WirePort object.)
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label. (Returns a boolean object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Port at the given index. (Returns a Port object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Port with the given label. (Returns a Port object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Port. (Returns a List of Port object.)
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated. (Returns a boolean object.)
Index List
Property Details
Method Details
- AddCablePort (harness CableHarness, terminal1 Terminal, terminal2 Terminal)
- Add a cable port to the cable harness schematic.
- Input Parameters
- harness(CableHarness)
- The cable harness to add the port to.
- terminal1(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components first terminal should be connected to. Can be nil.
- terminal2(Terminal)
- The terminal that the components second terminal should be connected to. Can be nil.
- Return
- CablePort
- The cable port.
- AddCablePort (table table)
- Create a cable port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- CablePort
- The cable port.
- Example
app = cf.GetApplication() project = app:OpenFile(FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/Cables.cfx]]) -- Remove existing port and its nets to show how to add using the scripting methods cableHarness = project.Cables.Harnesses["CableHarness1"] app.Schematics:ShowCableSchematic(cableHarness) schematicSymbolCollection = app.Schematics[1].Symbols cablePortSymbol1 = schematicSymbolCollection:Item("Port1") cablePortSymbol1.Terminals[1].Wires[1]:Delete() cablePortSymbol1.Terminals[2].Wires[1]:Delete() project.Ports[1]:Delete() -- Add a cablePort using a table of properties properties = cf.CablePort.GetDefaultProperties() properties.Label = "Port2" properties.Harness = cableHarness project.Ports:AddCablePort(properties) -- Connect the cablePort to the relevant cable connectors schematicSymbolCollection = app.Schematics[1].Symbols cablePortSymbol2 = schematicSymbolCollection:Item("Port2") cablePortSymbol2.Position.X = -140 cablePortSymbol2.Position.Y = -20 cablePortSymbol2:Rotate() terminal1 = cableHarness.Connectors["CableConnector1"].Pins["Pin1"].Terminal terminal2 = cableHarness.Connectors["CableConnector1"].Pins["Pin2"].Terminal cablePortSymbol2.Terminals[1]:ConnectTo(terminal1) cablePortSymbol2.Terminals[2]:ConnectTo(terminal2) -- Add a voltageSource with a magnitude of 1, 50 Ohm impedance and zero phase properties = cf.VoltageSource.GetDefaultProperties() properties.Label = "VoltageSource2" properties.Terminal = project.Ports["Port2"].Terminal project.SolutionConfigurations["StandardConfiguration1"].Sources:AddVoltageSource(properties)
- AddEdgeMeshPort (positivefaces List of MeshEntity, negativefaces List of MeshEntity)
- Create a port on an edge between mesh faces.
- Input Parameters
- positivefaces(List of MeshEntity)
- The list of faces on the positive side of the port.
- negativefaces(List of MeshEntity)
- The list of faces on the negative side of the port.
- Return
- EdgeMeshPort
- The edge mesh port.
- AddEdgeMeshPort (table table)
- Create a edge mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- EdgeMeshPort
- The edge mesh port.
- AddEdgeMeshPortConnectedToGround (faces List of MeshEntity, groundconnection EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Create a port on an edge between mesh faces.
- Input Parameters
- faces(List of MeshEntity)
- The list of mesh faces connecting the non-ground side of the port.
- groundconnection(EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Definition of whether the positive or negative terminal should be connected to ground.
- Return
- EdgeMeshPort
- The edge mesh port.
- AddEdgePort (positivefaces List of Face, negativefaces List of Face)
- Create a port on an edge between faces.
- AddEdgePort (table table)
- Create a edge port from a creation table.
- AddEdgePortConnectedToGround (faces List of Face, groundconnection EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Create a port on an edge between faces.
- Input Parameters
- faces(List of Face)
- The list of faces connecting the non-ground side of the port.
- groundconnection(EdgePortGroundConnectionEnum)
- Definition of whether the positive or negative terminal should be connected to ground.
- Return
- EdgePort
- The edge port.
- AddFEMLineMeshPort (startvertex MeshVertex, endvertex MeshVertex)
- Create a FEM line port between two mesh vertices.
- Input Parameters
- startvertex(MeshVertex)
- The mesh vertex for the port start position.
- endvertex(MeshVertex)
- The mesh vertex for the port end position.
- Return
- FEMLineMeshPort
- The FEM line mesh port.
- AddFEMLineMeshPort (table table)
- Create a FEM line mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- FEMLineMeshPort
- The FEM line mesh port.
- AddFEMLineMeshPortBetweenPoints (start Coordinate, end Coordinate)
- Create a FEM line mesh port between two points.
- Input Parameters
- start(Coordinate)
- The start point of the port.
- end(Coordinate)
- The end point of the port.
- Return
- FEMLineMeshPort
- The FEM line mesh port.
- AddFEMLinePort (edges List of Edge)
- Create a FEM line port along a list of edges.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- FEMLinePort
- The FEM line port.
- AddFEMLinePort (table table)
- Create a FEM line port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- FEMLinePort
- The FEM line port.
- AddFEMLinePortBetweenPoints (start Coordinate, end Coordinate)
- Create a FEM line port between two points.
- Input Parameters
- start(Coordinate)
- The start point of the port.
- end(Coordinate)
- The end point of the port.
- Return
- FEMLinePort
- The FEM line port.
- AddFEMModalMeshPort (vertex1 MeshVertex, vertex2 MeshVertex, vertex3 MeshVertex)
- Create a FEM modal port by specifying three mesh vertices.
- Input Parameters
- vertex1(MeshVertex)
- The first mesh of the port.
- vertex2(MeshVertex)
- The second mesh vertex of the port.
- vertex3(MeshVertex)
- The third mesh vertex of the port.
- Return
- FEMModalMeshPort
- The FEM modal mesh port.
- AddFEMModalMeshPort (table table)
- Create a FEM model mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- FEMModalMeshPort
- The FEM modal mesh port.
- AddFEMModalMeshPortFromPoints (corner1 Coordinate, corner2 Coordinate, corner3 Coordinate)
- Create a FEM modal mesh port by specifying three points.
- Input Parameters
- corner1(Coordinate)
- The first corner point of the port.
- corner2(Coordinate)
- The second corner point of the port.
- corner3(Coordinate)
- The third corner point of the port.
- Return
- FEMModalMeshPort
- The FEM modal mesh port.
- AddFEMModalPort (faces List of Face)
- Create a FEM modal port on a list of faces.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- FEMModalPort
- The FEM modal port.
- AddFEMModalPort (table table)
- Create a FEM model port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- FEMModalPort
- The FEM modal port.
- AddFEMModalPortFromPoints (corner1 Coordinate, corner2 Coordinate, corner3 Coordinate)
- Create a FEM modal port by specifying three points.
- Input Parameters
- corner1(Coordinate)
- The first corner point of the port.
- corner2(Coordinate)
- The second corner point of the port.
- corner3(Coordinate)
- The third corner point of the port.
- Return
- FEMModalPort
- The FEM modal port.
- AddMicrostripMeshPort (startvertex MeshVertex, endvertex MeshVertex)
- Create a microstrip port between two mesh vertices.
- Input Parameters
- startvertex(MeshVertex)
- The mesh vertex for the port start position.
- endvertex(MeshVertex)
- The mesh vertex for the port end position.
- Return
- MicrostripMeshPort
- The microstrip mesh port.
- AddMicrostripMeshPort (table table)
- Create a microstrip mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- MicrostripMeshPort
- The microstrip mesh port.
- AddMicrostripPort (edges List of Edge)
- Create a microstrip port along a list of edges.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- MicrostripPort
- The microstrip port.
- AddMicrostripPort (table table)
- Create a microstrip port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- MicrostripPort
- The microstrip port.
- AddWaveguideMeshPort (face MeshEntity, referencevector Coordinate)
- Create a waveguide port on a mesh face.
- Input Parameters
- face(MeshEntity)
- The mesh face on which the waveguide port is located.
- referencevector(Coordinate)
- The waveguide reference direction.
- Return
- WaveguideMeshPort
- The waveguide mesh port.
- AddWaveguideMeshPort (table table)
- Create a waveguide mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- WaveguideMeshPort
- The waveguide mesh port.
- AddWaveguidePort (face Face)
- Create a waveguide port on a face.
- Input Parameters
- face(Face)
- The face on which the waveguide port is located.
- Return
- WaveguidePort
- The waveguide port.
- AddWaveguidePort (table table)
- Create a waveguide port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- WaveguidePort
- The waveguide port.
- AddWireMeshPort (segment MeshSegment)
- Create a wire port on a mesh segment.
- Input Parameters
- segment(MeshSegment)
- The mesh segment the port is located on.
- Return
- WireMeshPort
- The wire port.
- AddWireMeshPort (segment MeshCurvilinearSegment)
- Create a wire port on a curvilinear mesh segment.
- Input Parameters
- segment(MeshCurvilinearSegment)
- The curvilinear mesh segment the port is located on.
- Return
- WireMeshPort
- The wire port.
- AddWireMeshPort (table table)
- Create a wire mesh port from a creation table.
- Input Parameters
- table(table)
- The creation table.
- Return
- WireMeshPort
- The wire mesh port.
- AddWireMeshPortOnVertex (vertex MeshVertex)
- Create a wire port on a mesh vertex.
- Input Parameters
- vertex(MeshVertex)
- The mesh vertex the port is located on.
- Return
- WireMeshPort
- The wire mesh port.
- AddWirePort (wire Edge)
- Create a port which is a point on a free wire.
- AddWirePort (table table)
- Create a wire port from a creation table.
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the Port at the given index.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the Port with the given label.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of Port.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated.