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This category specifies parameters for special types of boundaries.

<boundary_conditions> - <rotating>

This category contains all regions where a rotating wall velocity should be applied to the surface. It can have an arbitrary number of children named <rotating_instance>, each with the following parameters:

Name of the instance (optional).
Rotational speed of the instance in [rpm] (rounds per minute).
Center of the instance, must be specified via the child parameters <x_pos>, <y_pos> and <z_pos> in [m].
Rotational axis of the instance, its direction (right-hand rule applies) must be specified via the child parameters <x_dir>, <y_dir> and <z_dir>.
The parts to which the rotating wall velocity should be applied must be specified via the child parameter <name> within the <parts> category, several parts can be specified via repeated usage of <name> to assign the rotating wall velocity to all of them. The specified names must exactly match the respective part names in the STL file.

<boundary_conditions> - <belt>

This category contains all regions where a moving wall velocity should be applied to the wind tunnel ground (if <moving_ground> is set to true, see above), it can have an arbitrary number of children named <belt_instance>, each with the following parameters:
Name of the instance (mandatory).
If set to true, aerodynamic forces that act on the instance, that is, the respective region at the wind tunnel ground, are included in the force evaluation.
Bounding box of the instance, must be specified via the child parameters <x_min>, <x_max>, <y_min> and <y_max> in [m]. The z-coordinate is omitted because the belt is always located on the wind tunnel ground.

<boundary_conditions> - <periodicity>

Via the child parameters <x_dir>, <y_dir>, and <z_dir>, periodic <boundary_conditions> can be activated.
Note: At least eight voxels in periodic direction have to be used.

The default value for all three children is false.

<boundary_conditions> - <static>

This category contains all regions where a no-slip <boundary_condition> with non-default wall model settings should be applied to the surface. It can have an arbitrary number of children named <static_instance>, each with the following parameters:
Name of the instance (optional).
Name of the non-default wall model variant to be applied, must be specified in <simulation> - <wall_model_variant>.
The parts to which the properties should be applied must be specified via the child parameter <name> within the <parts> category. Several parts can be specified via repeated usage of <name> to assign the properties to all of them. The specified names must match the respective part names in the STL file.
Note: Static parts will use the globally specified wall model settings by default. They must be specified separately, if settings other than global settings are applied locally.