Use the Identify Parts tool to define types of parts like wheels, heat exchangers or body panels, which require specific modeling techniques
for the CFD run.
Baffles are used to model very thin walls, for example sheet metal parts. In the numerical surface mesh model, baffles are
represented by shell elements, which have fluid volume on both sides.
Position the Car
Use the Move tool to position the car inside of the wind tunnel.
Identify Parts
Use the Identify Parts tool to define types of parts like wheels, heat exchangers or body panels, which require specific modeling techniques for the CFD run.
Adjust Ride Height
Use the Ride Height tool to adjust the heave, pitch, and roll of the model.
Baffle Element Recognition
Baffles are used to model very thin walls, for example sheet metal parts. In the numerical surface mesh model, baffles are represented by shell elements, which have fluid volume on both sides.
Adjust Part Normals
Use the Normals tool to identify and correct the surface normal directions on parts.
Define the Mesh Controls
Use the Mesh Controls tool to define regions with a user-defined volume element size.
Find Gaps
Use the Find Gaps tool to provide feedback regarding unresolved gaps in the model.
Define Fluid Materials
Use the Material tool to define a fluid material for the wind tunnel.