I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry Used to request the total force (summation of single-point force of constraint and applied load) output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively.
TOTALFORCE (format, type) = option
Argument | Options | Description |
format | <H3D> Default = H3D |
Note: Other formats are currently not supported and will be
ignored, if specified.
type | <SPARSE, ALL> |
option | <YES, ALL,
SID> Default = ALL |
- TOTALFORCE output is the summation of single-point force of constraint (SPCFORCE) and applied load (OLOAD).
- TOTALFORCE output is available only for Linear Static and Nonlinear Static (small and large displacement) analysis types.
- If OLOAD is requested along with TOTALFORCE in the model, OLOAD (SPC) will be activated internally, regardless of the option specified under spc argument in the OLOAD entry.
- The pretension force, specified by the PRETENS entry is also output with the total force output at relevant scalar points (SPOINT). The results at SPOINTs can be viewed in HyperGraph.