I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The MODALDE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request modal damping energy (the energy loss per cycle) output for all subcases or individual subcases, respectively.
MODALDE(format_list,MODES=mset,TYPE=type) = option
Argument | Options | Description |
format | <H3D, blank> |
mset | <ALL, SID, TOTAL> |
option | <YES, ALL,
NO, NONE> Default = ALL |
- When MODALDE command is not present, modal damping energy is not output.
- Modal damping energy output is only available for Modal Frequency Response Analysis.
- Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If a format is not specified, this output control applies to all formats defined by the OUTPUT command, for which the result is available.
- Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates.
- For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.
- This modal damping energy only includes the energy contribution from viscous dampers. Structural damping and modal damping are not included.