I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry The PFPANEL command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of acoustic panel participation factors for all Modal Frequency Response subcases.
PFPANEL (PANEL=setp, FREQUENCY=setf, outfile,peakout,form) = setdof/PEAKOUT
Argument | Options | Description |
setp | <ALL,
NONE> Default = NONE |
setf | <ALL, SID> Default = SID |
outfile | <PUNCH, H3D, HDF5> Default = H3D |
Panel participation can be exported either into an H3D, PUNCH or HDF5 file. Because of the large volume of data, it is recommended to export the panel participation data into a H3D file. 5 |
form | <REAL, IMAG, PHASE> |
peakout | If peakout is present as an option inside the parentheses of the PFPANEL data, the filtered frequencies from the peakout data will be considered for output of panel participation. | |
setdof/PEAKOUT | <SID/PEAKOUT> | Degrees-of-freedom for which the panel participation factors are to be processed. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRID. If peakout is specified instead of SID, the output will be considered at the filtered frequencies corresponding to the degree-of-freedom in the peakout card in the bulk section. |
- Output is to the H3D, PUNCH, HDF5 files only. The output of both PFMODE and PFPANEL must be either to an H3D, PUNCH or HDF5 file. Both PFPANEL and PFMODE must have the same output option.
- Acoustic panel participation factors are available in a coupled Frequency Response Analysis (Modal Frequency Response only).
- The FREQUENCY keyword can be used to select a subset of excitation frequencies available. The closest loading frequency will be chosen in this case.
- Legacy format for the export of acoustic panel participation to H3D or PUNCH files: PFPANEL (OUTPUT=outfile)=setdof/PEAKOUT is also supported.
- The HDF5 output is printed to a .h5 binary results file. For details of the supported analysis types and elements when the .h5 output format is requested, refer to the .h5 file.