I/O Options EntryUsed to request output of modal effective mass, modal participation factors, Modal effective mass fractions in normal modes analysis subcases.
MEFFMASS (format, GRID=gid, output) = option
Argument | Options | Description |
format | <PUNCH, NOPUNCH, blank> |
gid | <Grid ID> |
output | <SUMMARY, PARTFAC, MEFFM, MEFFW, FRACSUM, ALL> | Requests output of:
option | <YES,NO> Default = YES |
- Output from MEFFMASS is only supported for Normal Modes Analysis.
- PARAM,EFFMASS,YES is also available for similar output of the specified matrices above for Normal Modes Analysis. PARAM,EFFMAS,YES does not provide output of Rigid Body Mass Matrix, Modal Effective Mass Matrix in Weight units, or Grid-based selection.
- When compared to PARAM,EFFMASS,YES, the MEFFMASS I/O Entry provides additional control over the normal modes analysis mass output, and can be used in place of PARAM,EFFMAS,YES if the output is to be fine-tuned or if these matrices are to be output only for particular grids.
- If OUTPUT,PUNCH is also specified along with MEFFMASS, then the Modal Participation Factors, Modal Participation Factor Ratios, and the Modal Effective Mass matrices are printed to the Punch file.
- For the MEFFW option, the modal effective mass is divided by PARAM,WTMASS.
- For detailed information regarding how the matrices are calculated, refer to PARAM, EFFMAS.