The FORSIN function evaluates a Fourier sine series at a specific value x .


Forsin ( x , x 0 , ω , c 0 , c 1 , , c 30 )


The independent variable. For example, to specify time as the independent variable, specify x as TIME.
x 0
The shift in the Fourier sine series.
The fundamental frequency of the Fouries series. It is assumed to be specified in radians per unit of x unless a D is used after the value.
c 0
The constant bias term.
c 1 , c 2 , , c 30
The coefficients for the Fourier Sine series.


Forsin  = c 0 + i = 1 N c i S i ( x x 0 )    where,   S i ( x x 0 ) = sin ( i ω   ( x x 0 ) )   and N    =   Number of terms in the series ( N 30 )


     comment             = "WM-WDTM-HAVSIN-FORSIN-DIM-ACOS"
     id                  = "3"
     type                = "EXPRESSION"
     expr1               = "NULL"
     expr2               = "WM(30102010)"
     expr3               = "WDTM(30102010)"
     expr4               = "HAVSIN(TIME,1.,0.,4.,1.)"
     expr5               = "NULL"
     expr6               = "FORSIN(TIME,0.1,6.28,0.1,0.2)"
     expr7               = "DIM(TIME,1.0)"
     expr8               = "ACOS(COS(TIME))"