Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get a "command not found" message when I try to start AcuFieldView?

Getting a "command not found" error indicates that the acuFv launch script was not found in your search path. To configure your environment to run the AcuSolve programs on Linux platforms, a number of environment variables must be set. These variables are set by sourcing the appropriate set up file for your shell.

For CSH or CSH variants, such as csh and tcsh, the following file must be sourced: $INSTALL_DIR/altair/acusolve/linux64/script/acusim.csh.

Where $INSTALL_DIR is the installation directory chosen by you.

To automatically source this file every time a new shell is opened, place the following line in your ~/.cshrc file, or equivalent: source $INSTALL_DIR/altair/acusolve/linux64/script/acusim.csh.

For BASH or BOURNE shell variants, such as sh and bash, the following file must be sourced:$INSTALL_DIR/altair/acusolve/linux64/script/

To automatically source this file every time a new shell is opened, place the following line in your ~/.profile file, or equivalent: . $INSTALL_DIR/altair/acusolve/linux64/script/

Alternatively, you can execute $INSTALL_DIR/altair/scripts/acusim to launch a sub shell that has the appropriate environment configured.

Why will the AcuFieldView process not quit when I type Ctrl+C?

The AcuFieldView process will not terminate if it was ever placed in the background during the current session.