Load Data into AcuFieldView with the AcuSolve Direct Reader

Use the AcuSolve Direct Reader to read native datasets associated with AcuSolve.

The AcuSolve [Direct Reader] dialog allows you to point directly to the <pb>.<RunID>.Log through the Read Grids & Results Data function. Once the .log file has been selected, AcuFieldView will read the referenced output directory directly, which is ACUSIM.DIR by default, and load the requested nodal data. Several options are available to control the amount of data that is read into AcuFieldView through the direct reader.

You have the option to read the extended output by activating the Read Extended Variables checkbox and/or read duplicate boundaries by activating the Read Duplicate Boundaries checkbox. When loading results with more than one time step (transient dataset), the Time Step Selection panel has the option to Read as Steady State.