Edit the Mesh Type/Mapping Method and Define Free Surfaces

Use the Solid Map: Face Edit tool to edit the mesh type and mapping method of individual target/source surfaces. You can also define free or unmapped surfaces by selecting points.

Before you begin, use the Solid Map: Create tool to define a meshing area by selecting solids, and create an initial mesh.
  1. From the Mesh ribbon, click the Solid Map > Face Edit tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define surface mesh options.
  3. Select the surface(s) to edit.
  4. In the microdialog, select a mesh type and mapping method to apply to the selected edge(s).
  5. Define free or unmapped surfaces.
    1. On the guide bar, change the selector to Points using the drop-down menu.
    2. Left-click on the four corner points that make up a surface identified as Free (unmapped).
  6. On the guide bar, click Mesh to update the solid map mesh.

    If the Auto update option is tuned off, first click Update to modify the 2D mesh.

Tip: Clear your selection by left-clicking in empty space.