Furthermore, in the “Output Directory” specified in the dialog, the following
files are exported automatically by the tool:
- Output.key or output_0000.rad
- Solver input file containing the deformed shape of the barrier at the selected time
- outputreference_plate.key or outputreference_0000.rad
- Solver input file containing the reference plate defining the Grid for the
projection calculation.
- export_barrier_reference.key or export_barrier_reference_0000.rad
- Solver input file containing the deformed shape of the barrier at the selected time
step and the GRID used for the projection calculation.
- outputprojection.hwascii
- ASCII results file containing the nodal or elemental projection values along with
their entity IDs.
- MPDB_session_file.mvw
- Session file with results.
- Bottoming_Out_Data.csv
- Text file containing bottoming out data (if a bottoming out scenario is found) -
node IDs and their corresponding projection values within a 40mm x 40mm area.
- *.pptx
- Automatic PPT report generated by MPDB tool containing Standard deviation, OLC and
modifier plots.