Flux e-Machine Toolbox: Tests

Running a test

Once the input parameters have been defined, the user can run a test by clicking on

A dialog box appears in which the user must choose the name of the test and click on .

List of tests

Once the test running is done, the test appears at the bottom right. Several tests can be run on a same component, in this case they are listed:

Actions on a test

The possible actions on a test run are:

  • Display:

    Display the test results by double-clicking on it or by right click → Display

    A tab with the name of the test is added in the central area, and it is possible to navigate easily using the filters on the left

  • Close:

    Close the display of a test by clicking on the cross of the tab or by right-click or by right-click → Close

  • Delete:

    Delete a test by selecting it in the list and by clicking on or by a right-click → Delete

  • Export:

    Export a test by selecting it in the list and by clicking on or by a right-click → Export

Test states

A test can have 3 states:

  • : the test is successful
  • : the test is in progress
  • : the test is failed

Export a test

A test can be exported in 3 different formats:

  • pdf format for a report (equivalent to all the content of the central area)
  • html format for a report (equivalent to all the content of the central area)
  • txt format to postprocess data (a text file by quantity)