Loading [Contrib]/a11y/accessibility-menu.js


Creates a tab in a tabbed frame for interactive graphical control objects in a figure.


h = uitab(parent)

h = uitab(parent, property, value, ...)


Handle of a container object, which is a uitabgroup.
Type: double | integer
property, value
Specifies if h is enabled. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string
Specifies the angle of the displayed font; applies to all tabs in this group. Valid values are 'regular'(default) and 'italic'.
Type: string
Specifies the name of the displayed font; applies to all tabs in this group.
Type: string
Specifies the size of the displayed font; applies to all tabs in this group.
Type: scalar
Specifies the weight of the displayed font; applies to all tabs in this group. Valid values are 'normal'(default) and 'bold'.
Type: string
Specifies the parent (uitabgroup).
Type: scalar
Position and size of h. Value is specified as a vector of the form:
[left top width height].
If 'units' has a value of 'normalized', values must be between 0 to 1.
Type: vector
Text to be displayed on h.
Type: string
User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
Type: string
Specifies units of measurement. Valid values are 'pixels'(default) and 'normalized'.
Indicates that h has a fixed size and position specified by 'position'.
Indicates that h is resized if parent is resized.
Type: string
User-defined numerical data.
Type: complex | mtx | scalar
Specifies if h is visible. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: string


Handle of the uitab created.


Creates a tabbed frame, with tabs containing uicontrol elements:
% Creates a tab group in the current figure
h = uitabgroup(gcf())

% Creates individual tabs
tab1 = uitab(h, 'title', 'My tab 1')
tab2 = uitab(h)

% Creates uicontrol elements in individual tabs
edithandle = uicontrol(tab1,'style','edit','string','169','units','normalized','position',[0.1 0.15 0.15 0.15]);

lst10 = uicontrol(tab2, 'Style','listbox','units','normalized', ...
'visible', 'on', 'units','normalized','position',[0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15]);