Loading [Contrib]/a11y/accessibility-menu.js


Creates a menu item in a context menu which is displayed with a right-mouse click for a figure, uitab, or select uicontrol objects.


h = uicontextmenuitem(parent, 'label', menulabel)

h = uicontextmenuitem(parent, 'label', menulabel, property, value, ...)


Handle of a container object, which is a uicontextmenu object or a uicontextmenuitem, if h is part of a cascading menu.
Type: double | integer
Test displayed for h.
Type: string
property, value
Callback function that will be triggered when interacting with h. If value is a functionhandle, it must be a function that takes two argument: first is the handle of the object, second is the event data. If value is a string, it must represent a function handle or a function name. If value is a cell, it must contain the function name/function handle in the first cell element and parameters to pass to callback function in the additional elements.
Type: cell | functionhandle | string
Specifies if h is enabled. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: off_on
Specifies the parent (uicontextmenu/uicontexmenuitem).
Type: scalar
Relative index of h in parent, where index is 1-based. uicontextmenuitem is created in the order they are defined or in the 'position' that has been specified at creation. Once the contextmenuitems have been created, their positions cannot be changed.
Type: positive integer
Valid values are 'off'(default) and 'on'. If specified as 'on', separator is added before h, if it is not the first item in the parent.
Type: off_on
User-defined string to tag graphical control objects.
Type: string
User-defined numerical data.
Type: complex | mtx | scalar
Specifies if h is visible. Valid values are 'on'(default) and 'off'.
Type: on_off


Handle of the uicontextmenuitem created.


Create a context menu for a figure:
function outfunc1 = func1(h,callstate) % Callback for menu1
  disp('Menu item 1 callback')

function outfunc2 = func2(h,callstate,argument1,argument2)     % Callback for menu2
  disp('Menu item 2 callback')

f = figure;
c = uicontextmenu(f);

% Creates individual context menu items
menu1 = uicontextmenuitem('parent', c, 'label', 'Do something', 'callback', '@func1');
menu2 = uicontextmenuitem(c, 'label', 'Do something else', 'callback', {@func2, 'foo', 1});
Create a cascading (submenu) context menu for a button:
function outfunc1 = func1(h,callstate)  % Callback for menu1
  disp('Menu 1 callback')

function outfunc2 = func2(h,callstate,argument1,argument2) % Callback for menu2
  disp('Menu 2 callback')

global buttongroup;

function changecolor(h,c) % Callback for cascading (submenu) menus
  global buttongroup;
  label = get(h,'label');
  if strcmp(label,'Red') == 1
  elseif strcmp(label,'Blue') == 1
  elseif strcmp(label,'Default') == 1

f = figure;
buttongroup = uicontrol('style','buttongroup','string', 'ButtonGroup','position',[0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3],'units','normalized');
button = uicontrol('parent', buttongroup, 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'Test');
c = uicontextmenu(button);

% Creates individual context menu items
menu1 = uicontextmenuitem('parent', c, 'label', 'Do something', 'callback', '@func1');
menu2 = uicontextmenuitem(c, 'label', 'Do something else', 'callback', {@func2, 'foo', 1});
menu3 = uicontextmenuitem('parent', c, 'Label', 'Change color', 'separator', 'on')

% Creates cascading menu items for menu3
menu3_1 = uicontextmenuitem('Parent',menu3,'Label','Red','Callback',@changecolor, 'position', 2);
menu3_2 = uicontextmenuitem('Parent',menu3,'Label','Blue','Callback',@changecolor);
menu3_3 = uicontextmenuitem('Parent',menu3,'Label','Default','Callback',@changecolor, 'separator', 'on');