Altair Inspire Studio 2020.1

Inspire Studio version 2020.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features: General

User Profiles

From the View menu, select a user profile to customize the ribbons and tools available in the product. Choose from Full, Studio, and Stamping Die Design.

Export to Exchange

Export selected objects to a common file folder used to exchange data with other Altair products. For example, you can export a die design from Inspire Studio to Inspire Form to perform a stamping simulation. You can access this option from the right-click menu or the File menu.

New Features: Modeling

3D Line Tool

Create straight lines in planar or non-planar 3D space. The line can be free in 3D space, tangent to a source curve, perpendicular to a source curve, normal to the plane in which a source curve lies, fixed to a source curve at one end, or combined with a source curve. The source curve can be an individual curve or the edge of a surface.

New Features: Die Design

Available through User Profiles.

Part Tools

First define the part and then adjust the draw direction to create a draw die.

Binder Tools

Define one or more binders for the draw die. You can either assign an existing surface as a binder or create a flat from a new surface.

Addendum Tool

Create one or more surfaces that extend from the part to the binder, to aid in stretching and forming.

Die Tool

Trim the binder and add a round to finalize the draw die. Create a matching die using Offset.



  • Added support for exporting solids to .3dm
  • Added HyperStudy support
  • Added support for Linux Batch Mode


  • Make Manifold tool now supports trimesh geometry. This is a first release; we are continuing to improve the conversion results.
  • Convert from PolyNURBS to trimesh or vice versa using the right-click menu


  • Improved PolyNURBS Circle Maker features and workflow
  • Added capability to Align Surfaces to Curves


  • Added Color Legend
  • Improved automatic coincident and tangent constraints for Circles and Polyline tools
  • Improved constraints for the Line tool
  • Improved selection of Arc segments while trimming
  • Improved robustness of Lines constrained to imported entities


  • Improved Interactive Rendering for faster scene calculation
  • Added Optix Denoiser option for Interactive Rendering
  • Added Intel Denoiser option for Interactive and Final Rendering
  • Changed Animation to start with frame #1 rather than frame #0
  • Updated Thea Rendering Engine to v3.0