
Assign or query tags (metadata), which can be associated with one or more entities in a model.

A tag is metadata that can be assigned to one or more entities (faces, edges, or vertices). It has a name and a value. For example, the name could be color and the value could be blue.

An entity can have multiple tags, but each tag can only have one value to avoid conflicts (for example, a Tag name of color with a Tag value of blue and a Tag name of color with a Tag value of red are not allowed). The same tag can be applied to multiple entities. A model can have no tags at all.

Tags are saved with the model; they are preserved when importing a Parasolid file to Inspire Studio and exporting a Inspire Studio file to Parasolid.

Assign Tags

Add tags to the database and assign them to one or more entities.

Note: You can use the Tags tool to assign tags to PolyNURBS, but it is often more convenient to use the right-click context menu in Edit PolyNURBS mode. For more information, see Assign Tags to PolyNURBS.
  1. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. Click the Tags icon.

  3. In the guide bar, select Edit Mode. For more information about Query Mode, see Query Tags.
  4. In the guide bar, select an entity type. For example, if you select the default Selection Filter: Faces, only faces can be assigned tags.
    • Selection Filter: Faces (default)
    • Selection Filter: Edges
    • Selection Filter: Vertices
  5. In the guide bar, select Entities. Select one or more entities.
    Note: If the model already contains tags, they are listed in the Control Panel under Tag name. You can tell if the model doesn't already contain tags if:
    • In the Control Panel, next to Tag name, it says <No items>.

    • In the guide bar, click Reset Database. The following message is displayed.

  6. In the Control Panel, enter the Tag name and Tag value and then click Add tag (name, value) to selected entities .
    The tag is added to the database and assigned to the selected entities.
  7. In the Control Panel, you have additional options:
    Option Description
    Unassign tag (name, value) from selected entities Unassign the selected tag from the selected entities. The tag remains in the database.
    Note: To remove all tags from the model, in the guide bar, click Reset the Database
    Apply to whole model Apply Add tag (name, value) to selected entities and Unassign tag (name, value) from selected entities operations to the whole model.
    Total number of assigned tags Displays the total number of assigned tags.
    Total number of tags (name, value) Displays the total number of tags, assigned and unassigned.
  8. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Query Tags

Display entities with the selected tag name and tag value in cyan blue.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab.
  2. Click the Tags icon.

  3. In the guide bar, select Query Mode. For more information about Edit Mode, see Assign Tags.
  4. Select an entity type for the query results. For example, if you select the default Selection Filter: Faces, only faces with the selected tag name and tag value will be shown in the query results.
    • Selection Filter: Objects
    • Selection Filter: Faces (default)
    • Selection Filter: Edges
  5. In the modeling window, select the entities to be queried.
    Out of the queried entities, only those with the selected tag name and tag value are displayed in cyan.
    For example, you have a cube. The top face has the tag (material, wood) while one side face has the tag (material, plastic) and another side face has the tag (color, yellow).

    You select all the faces of a cube to query.

    If you select the Tag name material and the Tag value wood, then the top face is displayed in cyan.

    If you select the Tag name material and the Tag value plastic, then the corresponding side face is displayed in cyan.

    If you select the Tag name color and the Tag value yellow, then the corresponding side face is displayed in cyan.

  6. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Assign Tags to PolyNURBS

While you can assign tags to PolyNURBS using the Tags tool on the Analysis tab, it is easier to use the right-click context menu option Assign/Query Tags while in Edit PolyNURBS mode.

  1. Double-click a PolyNURBS object to enter edit mode.
  2. Do one of the following:
    To Do this
    Assign tags to vertices
    • Press A.
    • In the guide bar, click Vertices .
    Assign tags to edges
    • Press S.
    • In the guide bar, click Edges .
    Assign tags to faces
    • Press D.
    • In the guide bar, click Faces .
  3. Select the vertices, edges, or faces you'd like to assign tags to.
  4. Right-click, and then select Assign/Query Tags.
  5. In the Tags Editor, for Mode, select Add.

  6. Enter a Tag Name and Tag Value. Then click Add Tag.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Query Tags with PolyNURBS

While you can query tags with PolyNURBS using the Tags tool on the Analysis tab, it is easier to use the right-click context menu option Assign/Query Tags while in Edit PolyNURBS mode.

  1. Double-click a PolyNURBS object to enter edit mode.
  2. Do one of the following:
    To Do this
    Assign tags to vertices
    • Press A.
    • In the guide bar, click Vertices .
    Assign tags to edges
    • Press S.
    • In the guide bar, click Edges .
    Assign tags to faces
    • Press D.
    • In the guide bar, click Faces .
  3. Select the vertices, edges, or faces you'd like to assign tags to.
  4. Right-click, and then select Assign/Query TAGsags.
  5. In the Tags Editor, for Mode, select Query.

  6. Select a Tag Name and Tag Value.
    Entities with the selected tag are displayed in cyan blue.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
Note: Using the NURBS to Poly tool, you can separate objects by tag.