An explicit is solved by calculating results in small time increments or time steps. The size of the time step depends
on many factors but is automatically calculated by Radioss.
The two beam elements available in Radioss are used on one-dimensional structures and frames. It carries axial loads, shear forces, bending and torsion
moments (contrary to the truss that supports only axial loads).
This spring is a simplification of spring TYPE13; in which the properties of the spring cross-section are considered
to be invariable with respect to Y and Z.
Under-integrated elements are very familiar in crash worthiness. In these elements, a reduced number of integration
points are used to decrease the computation time. This simplification generates zero energy deformation modes, called
hourglass modes.
Composite materials consist of two or more materials combined each other. Most composites consist
of two materials, binder (matrix) and reinforcement. Reinforcements come in three forms, particulate,
discontinuous fiber, and continuous fiber.
Optimization in Radioss was introduced in version 13.0. It is implemented by invoking the optimization capabilities of
OptiStruct and simultaneously using the Radioss solver for analysis.
The stiffness of the spring can be defined multiple ways with each degree of freedom
defined differently.
Force and Moment
Linear Stiffness and Damping Behavior
The simplest formulation is a linear elastic spring stiffness, where the internal
force is proportional to the relative displacement. In this case, only the constant
stiffness parameter and optional damping parameter are entered.
For linear stiffness, the force and moment are:
For linear dashpot, the force and moment are:
For linear stiffness and dashpot, the force and moment are:
Nonlinear Behavior
The force and moment in a spring is computed as:(1)
Where, is the translational degrees of freedom: 1,2,3
Where, is the rotational degrees of freedom: 4,5,6
The variables in the force and moment equation represent:
Spring force versus displacement function input as
Spring force versus rotation function input as
Scaling coefficients
Logarithmic function that scales the spring
stiffness as the velocity increases Figure 1. With Parameter Input
Scale the stiffness as a function of linear input as
Scale the moment as a function of rotational
velocity input as fct_ID2i
This input can be used to model nonlinear strain rate effects of the spring
stiffness. Figure 2. With g Function Input
Linear damping coefficient used to increase the
spring stiffness as a function of velocity
or Nonlinear damping function input as
Linear or nonlinear damping as a function of velocity can also be added to the spring
force using either a linear damping coefficient or a user-defined function. Figure 3. With Function Input
The functions and both describe the damping behavior of the spring.
However, the function scales the spring stiffness function , but the function adds to the spring stiffness function .
Time Step
Time step for spring:(3)
Time step for dashpot:(4)
Time step for spring and dashpot:(5)
Mass of the spring
Linear stiffness or for a nonlinear spring
Linear damping or for nonlinear damping
For nonlinear springs, is used for time step calculation and contact
stiffness. If is not defined in the spring property, the maximum
slope of fct_ID1i () will then be automatically used to calculate the
timestep. The behavior is the same for damping stiffness .