- ( -

(un)suppress subpanel (edge edit panel)

- 3 -

3D View Controls Toolbar

- A -

Access Model Files, BasicFEA

arc (rotate)

arc center and radius subpanel (lines panel)

arc center subpanel (nodes panel)

arc center subpanel (points panel)

arc nodes and vector subpanel (lines panel)

arc three nodes subpanel (lines panel)

Autocleanup Panel

- B -

Back to Previous View

BasicFEA Application

BasicFEA Browser

Preferences Dialog

BasicFEA Toolbar

BasicFEA Tutorials

BasicFEA User Interface

BasicFEA Work Flow

BasicFEA-1000: Run a Linear Static Analysis

BasicFEA-1100: Run a Simple Normal Modes Analysis

BasicFEA-1200: Run a Linear Buckling Analysis

block subpanel (solids panel)

bounding surfaces subpanel (solids panel)

Browsers Overview

by feature subpanel (edge edit panel)

By ID Entity Selection

- C -

c (center)

CAD Interfaces


Card Filter

Changing Data Types

Checks Toolbar

circle center and radius subpanel (lines panel)

circle nodes and vector subpanel (lines panel)

circle three nodes subpanel (lines panel)

Cleanup Tolerance

Collectors Toolbar

Color Variables

cone full subpanel (solids panel)

cone full subpanel (surfaces panel)

cone partial subpanel (solids panel)

cone partial subpanel (surfaces panel)

conic subpanel (lines panel)

contour panel

controlled nodes subpanel (lines panel)

Cutting and Pasting Between Input Fields

Cutting and Pasting to a Command Line

cylinder full subpanel (solids panel)

cylinder full subpanel (surfaces panel)

cylinder partial subpanel (solids panel)

cylinder partial subpanel (surfaces panel)

- D -

Define a Plane

Define a Vector

deformed panel

Dimensioning Panel


Display Area

Display Toolbar

distance panel

drag along line subpanel (solids panel)

drag along line subpanel (surfaces panel)

drag along normal subpanel (solids panel)

drag along normal subpanel (surfaces panel)

drag along vector subpanel (lines panel)

drag along vector subpanel (solids panel)

drag along vector subpanel (surfaces panel)

Drop-Down Menu

- E -

edge edit panel

(un)suppress subpanel

by feature subpanel

edge fillets subpanel

equivalence subpanel

replace subpanel

toggle subpanel

unsplit subpanel

edge fillets subpanel (edge edit panel)

Element handles

Entity Selection

Entity Selectors

equivalence subpanel (edge edit panel)

extend subpanel

Extended Entity Selection

extract edge subpanel (lines panel)

extract on line subpanel (nodes panel)

extract parametric (points panel)

extract parametric subpanel (lines panel)

extract parametric subpanel (nodes panel)

- F -

f  (fill)

features subpanel (lines panel)

fillet subpanel (lines panel)

fillet subpanel (surfaces panel)

from FE subpanel (surfaces panel)

- G -

Geom Tolerance

Geometry Introduction



Graphics Area


- H -




Hot Keys

- I -


Selecting Entities by ID

Image Capture Toolbar

Input Controls

Input Fields

interpolate nodes subpanel (nodes panel)

interpolate on line subpanel (nodes panel)

interpolate on surface subpanel (nodes panel)

intersect subpanel (lines panel)

intersect subpanel (nodes panel)

intersect subpanel (points panel)

- K -


Known Limitations-BasicFEA

- L -

length panel

line edit panel

linear nodes subpanel (lines panel)

lines panel

arc center and radius subpanel

arc nodes and vector subpanel

arc three nodes subpanel

circle center and radius subpanel

circle nodes and vector subpane

circle three nodes subpanel

conic subpanel

controlled nodes subpanel

drag along vector subpanel

extract edge subpanel

extract parametric subpanel

features subpanel

fillet subpanel

intersect subpanel

linear nodes subpanel

manifold subpanel

midline subpanel

normal 2D on plane subpanel

normal from geometry subpanel

normal to geometry subpanel

offset subpanel

smooth nodes subpanel

standard nodes subpanel

tangent subpanel

xyz subpanel

- M -

manifold subpanel (lines panel)

Map Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Bar

Menu Buttons


meshlines subpanel (surfaces panel)

midline subpanel (lines panel)

midsurface panel

Model Browser


- N -




Next Page

node edit panel

Node Tolerance

nodes panel

arc center subpanel

extract on line subpanel

extract parametric subpanel

interpolate nodes subpanel

interpolate on line subpanel

interpolate on surface subpanel

intersect subpanel

on geometry subpanel

xyz subpanel

normal 2D on plane subpanel (lines panel)

normal from geometry subpanel (lines panel)

normal to geometry subpanel (lines panel)

- O -

offset subpanel

offset subpanel (lines panel)

on geometry subpanel (nodes panel)

- P -

p (plot)

Page Controls Toolbar

Page Display and Navigation Area

Page Edit Toolbar


Panels Listed Alphabetically

permute panel

Pick Entities on the Screen

Pick Handles


Geom Handles




Pick Nodes on Geometry or Elements

Plane and Vector Selector

point edit panel

points panel

arc center subpanel

extract parametric subpanel

intersect subpanel

xyz subpanel


position panel

Post-Processing Analysis

Preferences Dialog

Previous Page

Previous View

project panel

Pull-Down Menu

- Q -

quick edit panel

Quick Start

- R -

r (rotate)

Rapid Menu

reflect panel

replace subpanel (edge edit panel)

Returning to the Previous View

rotate panel

Rotation arrows

ruled linear subpanel (solids panel)

ruled smooth subpanel (solids panel)

ruled subpanel (surfaces panel)

- S -

scale panel

Selecting Entities

Selecting Lines

Selecting Nodes

Setting Basic Views

Setting Global Parameters

Setting Tolerances

Setting View Options

Shortcut Key Map

Shortcut Map--Examples

shrink subpanel

skin subpanel (surfaces panel)

smooth nodes subpanel (lines panel)

solid edit panel

solids panel

block subpanel

bounding surfaces subpanel

cone full subpanel

cone partial subpanel

cylinder full subpanel

cylinder partial subpanel

drag along line subpanel

drag along normal subpanel

drag along vector subpanel

ruled linear subpanel

ruled smooth subpanel

sphere center and radius subpanel

sphere four nodes subpanel

spin subpanel

torus center and radius subpanel

torus partial subpanel

torus three nodes subpanel

sphere center and radius subpanel (solids panel)

sphere center and radius subpanel (surfaces panel)

sphere four nodes subpanel (solids panel)

sphere four nodes subpanel (surfaces panel)

sphere partial subpanel (surfaces panel)

spin subpanel (solids panel)

spin subpanel (surfaces panel)

spline/filler subpanel (surfaces panel)

square subpanel (surfaces panel)

standard nodes subpanel (lines panel)

Standard Toolbar

Standard Views Toolbar

Status Bar


surface edit panel

surfaces panel

cone full subpanel

cone partial subpanel

cylinder full subpanel

cylinder partial subpanel

drag along line subpanel

drag along normal subpanel

drag along vector subpanel

fillet subpanel

from FE subpanel

meshlines subpanel

ruled subpanel

skin subpanel

sphere center and radius subpanel

sphere four nodes subpanel

sphere partial subpanel

spin subpanel

spline/filler subpanel

square subpanel

torus center and radius subpanel

torus partial subpanel

torus three nodes subpanel

- T -

t (true view)

Tab Area


tangent subpanel (lines panel)

temp nodes panel

toggle subpanel (edge edit panel)


Toggles and Switches






Toolbar Area

torus center and radius subpanel (solids panel)

torus center and radius subpanel (surfaces panel)

torus partial subpanel (solids panel)

torus partial subpanel (surfaces panel)

torus three nodes subpanel (solids panel)

torus three nodes subpanel (surfaces panel)

translate panel

trim with lines subpanel

Trim with nodes subpanel

trim with planes subpanel

- U -

unsplit subpanel (edge edit panel)

untrim subpanel

Using the Extended Entity Selection Menu

Utility Menu

- V -

vector plot panel


View Options

View Rotation

Viewing Models


Visualization Toolbar

- X -

xyz subpanel (lines panel)

xyz subpanel (nodes panel)

xyz subpanel (points panel)

- Z -

z (zoom)