Viewing the 3D Currents

Add a currents result to the 3D view by searching and navigating the documentation.

Note: There can be multiple 3D views. As a result the 3D view will be in a collection. When loading a model in POSTFEKO, note that a 3D view is created from the first configuration by default. Therefore there is no need to add a 3D view.
  1. Search for view in the integrated help.
  2. Double-click API object, ViewCollection.
    The Choose Topic dialog is displayed.

  3. Double-click ViewCollection on the Choose Topic dialog (POSTFEKO relevant section).

    Figure 1. A snippet of the ViewCollection which shows the Usage locations.
  4. Use indexing to access the first view (the only available view for this example) using the following syntax:
    this_3Dview = app.Views[1]

Multiple results from multiple requests can be added to the same 3D view. Therefore results are added to a collection.

  1. Look in the POSTFEKO GUI for a clue for the search term to use in the documentation.

    Figure 2. The empty result palette in POSTFEKO when a 3D view is selected.

    When a 3D view is selected, the result palette shows a section entitled 3D View results.

  2. Search for 3D View results.
    This does not yield any topics.
  3. Use result instead using the same search text. This yields the topic API object, Result3DPlotCollection. Select this topic.
    An example is shown for adding a far field as well as the Usage locations.

    Figure 3. A snippet of the Result3DPlotCollection object which shows the Usage locations.
  4. Scroll to the Method list.
    The method list shows the :Add(result) method.

    Figure 4. A snippet of the Result3DPlotCollection object which shows the :Add(result) method.
  5. Click the ResultPlot hyperlink.
    This gives a list of objects.

    Figure 5. A snippet of the ResultPlot object which shows the derived object.
  6. Use the following syntax to add the trace.
    my_3Dview_currents_plot = this_3Dview.Plots:Add(app.Models[1].Configurations[1].SurfaceCurrents[1])
    Note: Similar to adding the far field trace it is required to specify the index of the model, configuration, current request and view.
  7. Change the currents to dB.
    my_3Dview_currents_plot.Quantity.ValuesScaledToDB = true
    Note: The dB setting for the far field trace is done similar to the far field trace.
  8. Run the script and observe the result in the POSTFEKO GUI.