View the Account Summary

View a summary of credits and debits that have been made against an account.

Access to the account summary information is based on the following criteria:
  • Stakeholders can view accounts for which they are a stakeholder.
  • Users can view accounts to which the user has been assigned.
  • Allocation Manager Administrators can view all accounts.

The following summary information is displayed for all accounts:

Total Credits
Total amount of credits that have been deposited into the account by a Stakeholder.
Total Debits
Total amount of debits that have been deducted from the account by a Stakeholder.
Total Debits Reconciled

Total amount of currency used by jobs that have completed and have been reconciled.

Total Debits Authorized -
Total amount of currency authorized for jobs based on resources requested by the jobs and the defined Service Unit.
Net Balance
Total Credits - Total Debits - Total Debits Reconciled - Total Debits Authorized
  1. Click the Monitor tab.
  2. Click Accounts from the Allocation Manager menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
    A summary of the credits and debits that have been made against an account is displayed, along with the current net balance of the account. Drill-down into the transactions made against an account by clicking on the name of the account.

    If accounts are not visible, verify that a period has been created that covers the dates associated with the account transactions.