Credit an Account

Add currency to an account.

Only Stakeholders can credit an account and a stakeholder will only have access to those accounts for which they are a stakeholder.
  1. Click the Monitor tab.
  2. Click Budgets from the Allocation Manager menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
    The account balance is displayed for each Account over a specific time period for a specific currency type (Service Unit).
  3. Click located to the far right of the account.
  4. Click Credit.
    A dialog box is displayed:

    Credit the Account
    Figure 1. Credit the Account
  5. For Credit, enter the amount of credit to add to the account.
    The credit must be greater than 0 and less than 1,000,000,000,000.
  6. For Comment, optionally enter a reason for the credit.
  7. Click Submit.